Saturday, August 30, 2014

The list continued!!

On a post a few days ago I listed the top five reasons why I thought I was pregnant!  Anyone who has experienced infertility for any length of time understands the monthly list of "symptoms" that we all feel.  It is RIDICULOUS, but it is our life line.. it is our hope!  So, my list continues.  I think my previous list was something like this:
1. Tender and painful breasts.
2. Craving soup like crazy! 
3. Bloating!!!
4. Cramping
5. Heartburn! 

Well, I must say that these have all continued and that they are increasing in intensity! HAHA!! I have also added exhaustion to the list.  Exhaustion in multiple ways:
1.  Just super tired.  
2. Mental exhaustion... thinking is just SOO hard!! ;)
3. I am a weakling!! I have tired muscles!! Carrying things makes me exhausted!! Today Mike and I were carrying a heavy piece of furniture and I thought it would be the death of me! Seriously... I carried it and loaded it into my car with the help of another woman.  Then Mike I managed to get it out of my car and into my house without a problem about a month ago.  But today when we were trying to put it in the location it will live in our home I was DYING! I told Mike that I really didn't think I could continue carrying it.  It was THAT bad.  Then I was helping him with a piece that I carried into the house all on my own.  That almost did me in, too!! JEESH!!! 
4.  Tired of breathing hard from things that shouldn't make me so tired!! Like carrying the furniture! 
5.  Tired of people's crap!! HAHAH!! This is a funny one to me because it sounds worse than it is... I just find that I have a low tolerance recently.  I feel like my "That is total crap!!" radar is on high alert recently and I wish I had an off button for it! It is easier when I just smile and nod without feeling the need to say "Stop lying!!"  when people are talking.  Thankfully I feel like my filter is working fairly well.  I hope it doesn't get tired, too!! HAHAH!! 

So, those are the new reasons that I feel that I am expecting...  These could totally happen to any sleep deprived person... I realize that!! And I realize that I am not sleeping well because my rump hurts and it is VERY colorful from all of the bruising that has occurred over the last 7 days of injections.  So most likely these are true signs of sleep depravation, but like I said my friends with infertility will totally understand... it is SOOOO much easier to face each month of trying with hopefulness than it is to go through with sadness.  So I will blame the excess gas on pregnancy instead of the Mexican food I ate.  And I will blame my chubby belly on bloating instead of the DQ that Mike and I enjoyed!! HAHAHHA!! ! Okay, you caught me... I didn't eat Mexican tonight... it must be a symptom!!!! ;)

Thanks again for following.  Thanks for all of your prayers.  Thanks for understanding that my light hearted way of approaching all of this (at times) is what helps keep me just this side of insanity!! ;) 

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!! Though this weekend marks 5 years that we have been trying to grow our family and therefore has a significance to me that isn't so fabulous, I am thankful for a three day weekend to catch up on school work that I am already behind on and for time to spend with family and friends!! I have already hung out with my sis Jaclyn, Mike's parents, and his uncle Paul.  AND I will get to celebrate at a wedding reception of an amazing couple tomorrow night!  Sounds like a great weekend to me!!  


  1. Thanks!! I realize that this is probably not something that many people would see as blog worthy, but these are the things I want to remember. These are the feelings that I won't remember a year, 5 years, 10 years from now, but they are the feelings that are SO real. I will remember the days that I experienced devastation, but I won't remember the days that I blamed every coincidental thing on pregnancy and the "symptoms" that the "pregnancy" has caused!! HAHAH!!
