Saturday, August 16, 2014

Meds update

Things have been going pretty well with the meds so far.  I have a few injection sites that are bruised. Not really sure how I manage to cause myself bruises every once in a while, but I do.

This morning I had a bad morning.  I work up at 6:45 to get ready for the injection.  Usually I am up by 6, I eat yogurt, shower, get ready for the shots and my day, and then I do the injection at 7:00.  I didn't want to get up at 6 today because it is Saturday!!! ;)  Well, I think I will have to get up early regardless because today after the two injections I felt really dizzy, barely made it up the stairs and then started vomiting. :(  I then slept for over 3 hours.  Tomorrow I am going to try  getting up at 6:45 again, if I have the same result I will know that I HAVE to get up every day at 6:00 regardless of if I want to or not! My other theory is that it has something to do with the left side of my body.  I am still struggling a lot with the shots on the left side.  It seems to be super sensitive.  I am going to ask about that when I go to see the dr. on Monday.  It is just super weird!

Tonight went off without a hitch.  But, then again I only did the injections on the right side.

One thing that I have noticed is that I get exhausted super easily!  Tonight I told Mike that if the way I feel now is any indication of how I will feel when I am pregnant then I will be the tiredest pregnant lady to ever exist! HAHAH!! I am just not used to this feeling.  Usually in the evening I get a second wind and that is when I accomplish a TON!!!  I am seriously concerned that this is going to be a lifestyle change that I am going to truly struggle with!  :/  I never understood the "fade" that Mike has in the evening and how it can hit so quickly and intensely.  I just accepted that he had it.  Now, I think mine is WORSE!! HAHAH!! Oh well, I guess I will just have to deal with this as it comes!! I have no energy to worry about it! ;)  Hehehe!!


  1. You're injecting yourself, correct? Perhaps it is a left/right handed thing with the left side sensitivity...? Maybe you have an angle you don't realize.

  2. Yes! I have wondered about the same thing! I also think it might have something to do with the proximity to scarring from my 2nd surgery. The scar is very close to where I have to inject on the left side, so the might be some scar tissue that i am secretly dealing with. Today went very well. But, I made sure to have my yogurt before doing the injections this morning. Tonight went well, also!
