Sunday, August 10, 2014

It is getting real!!!

WOW!!! This is all getting very real!! After a nightmare summer things are suddenly moving very quickly. I can't help but be nervous about everything that is ahead of us.  I was so devastated this summer when an insurance change ruined our summer plans, I honestly think I am afraid of getting too excited.  With school starting, I cannot go into a funk like I spent most of the summer.  Depression is very real and it affects so much, so I feel like my brain is trying to protect my heart by only letting my excitement reach surface level.  The nurse from the new facility told me repeatedly that the bad is completely behind us now, (I might have asked a million questions in preparation of anything that could pop up) but it is just so hard to fully trust that everything will go well when we came so close before.  (Sorry, not trying to be a downer... just being honest and a realist!)  

Tomorrow I go for baseline blood work.  I am going to try to go to the Galesburg clinic because I know that in Monmouth they charge for "hospital blood work" which is ridiculously expensive. Hopefully that works out so that I don't have to go to Peoria for a couple seconds of blood work. It seems like I have done that a lot over the last couple years and I am kind of over it... unless it means that I get Olive Garden or Cold Stone Creamery!! ;)  

As we get closer to Wednesday I am getting more and more nervous about my injection protocol.  I know that I just have to trust that they know exactly what they are doing, but it is so hard to put your complete trust into people you have just met, knowing that we are placing our trust in them to help us grow our family.  I guess I just need to pray more about it and hopefully it will help me to be more at peace.  I think it would have been easier to trust a new facility if they hadn't spent so much time bashing my old facility.  I had a lot of trust in my old facility.  I spoke to them nearly every day when we first started working with them. And though there were some decisions, such as that scary medication they had me on, that I question, overall I really felt at home at that facility.  I have been thinking that it might be important for me to mention this aspect to them if we are asked for our opinion of our experience.  I think our first experience at our consultation would have been better if the "bashing" aspect was not part of it.  I think it would have helped build my trust in them... which is why I think I enjoyed Dr. Sawetawan so much, he selected his words very carefully and did not bash at all.  He used the information I gave him about how the procedure went the first time I had it done and made the experience so much better, but he didn't bash them for the first experience.  It was a much better experience than my first impression with the facility.  I am very thankful that Dr. S will be working with me through this process, at first I was nervous about the change to a 3rd Reproductive Endocrinologist, but now I think it was meant to be all along!  (WOW!! The funny thing about blogging is that it sometimes takes you places you didn't realize you were going to go.  My whole purpose for tonight's blog was to say that baseline blood work would happen tomorrow... and suddenly I have just talked myself through my feelings about the process of ending up with Dr. S as my specialist!  I am starting to think that blogging might be therapeutic!)

Another strange thing that is happening this week is that I am sleeping!!! Anyone who knows me well knows that sleep and I have a rough relationship.  I have been very surprised by a sudden need for sleep.  It started with a need for 7 hours the first couple nights.  Now, I think it might be even more than that!! YIKES!! The problem is that for YEARS I have maintained a lifestyle in which I slept very little and I used the extra time to constantly accomplish other things.  If this continues I am excited about the positive physical and mental implications, but I am a little nervous about the scheduling aspect and what it will mean for my productivity!  :/ I guess I will just take this as it comes.  As I type this I am sure some of you who do not know me well are thinking, "Why is this a big deal?" But, believe me, if I become a sleeper it will be a HUGE deal!!! ;)  I have managed to function extremely well without sleep for years and it is a little scary to have a week in which sleep is required.  Over the last week I have traveled to Rockford once and DeKalb once... I was nodding off repeatedly on the trip home from Rockford and it was very hard to stay awake today on the way home from DeKalb... any other week that wouldn't have been an issue even if I had been up all day and all night long, but this was in the middle of the afternoon! :/ YIKES!!  Hopefully this week I will be able to work on a back to school sleep/wake up schedule!  We will see how it goes.  Mike feels that this is a great thing... Afterall, he told me that he was going to enforce a 7 hour of sleep mandatory requirement for me when I am carrying our child!! ;)  Who knows, he might get his way on this one!! :) 

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.  This week, if you are so inclined, I would appreciate prayers for a feeling of peace about this new protocol and also for strength to overcome my fear of needles so that I can give myself the injections I need to.  It was very difficult for me to overcome my fears when I started getting blood work done frequently, but I did it.  And, I am having a much easier time when it comes to going to new doctors, so I know that I can do this with the help God!  In less than two weeks Mike will also have to overcome his serious dislike of needles so that he can give the shots I cannot give myself.  We are thankful to have Sara, Freda, and now Stacia that have offered to help us!  I am so proud of Mike for his willingness to try though!! :) I am definitely going to have to schedule my backups for when he is working... I don't know what I would do without such fabulous family and friends!  

Finally... recently a few people have mentioned that they were proud of the fact that I had the courage to be open about my journey.  I just want to tell you that without all of you and your support I wouldn't have been able to continue sharing.  Your encouragement has helped me to be more honest and to share more than I ever thought I would.  Someday, possibly not far from now, I will open up and be honest about the emotional roller coaster of all of this and how much your support has helped me through the ups and downs!! :)  A couple people have also mentioned that they haven't been able to comment/ask questions because of error messages from the blog.  I have the same issue.  I guess the best answer is to leave any questions or comments on the link that I post to Facebook when alerting about a new post.  I am too new to blogging to figure out why the comment section doesn't always work!! I am not taking this issue completely off of Facebook, I am just attempting to help people feel as comfortable as possible on my page!! :) So, I will be happy to answer questions on there and I will respond the best I can.  

Have a great night!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully Galesburg works out for blood work, but OG is never a bad decision. :)
