Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mike is a Rock Star!

Cousin Sara was fabulous enough to do my shot again last night so that Mike could see it done.  Tonight he did the shot solo here at home.  Both of them were fabulous and did not hurt me at all.  The medicine itself and the bruises are painful, but I am so thankful that both of them were able to give me the shots without more than a pinch of pain!!!
I think both Mike and I were nervous leading up to the shot. He remained nervous because he didn't want to hurt me, but my nerves were gone at that point.  I was just proud of Mike for going through with it.  What a champ!  Neither of us are a fan of needles, but we have both had to move past that during this process because of the large number of injections involved.  It is one thing to have to watch it, but it is another thing to actually complete the injection and I am so proud to have a husband who is willing to move beyond phobias for the mere chance at growing our family.  We have been through a lot in the nearly 11 years that we have been together, but I am thankful that we continue to pull together and face these challenges as a team.  It makes getting up and facing each day a lot easier to know that he is right here with me!

A couple things before I end this...
1.  I am seriously concerned about doing this for 10 weeks... my rump is already SO bruised.  I don't know how we will have places to do this after a few more days! ;)
2.  I was really trying to keep myself from being overly optimistic, but I will give you the reasons I have come up with that I am ABSOLUTELY pregnant:
     Reason 1:  My ladies are screaming in tenderness and pain.  They are also larger today.  That SCREAMS pregnant!! ;)
     Reason 2:  Last night I was craving soup to the point that we went out to Petey's so that I could take care of the craving.  While eating the soup I accidentally ate a cooked carrot and I ENJOYED it! I then finished the whole bowl of soup without picking out ANY of the random, weird vegetables (celery, carrots, and who knows what else!)!!! Hello!!! Craving and eating random foods... who craves soup on the hottest freaking day of the year??!?!! The answer is obvious... a pregnant woman!!! P.S.  I am craving soup again this evening!
     Reason 3: Bloating!  Yep... bloating and heartburn for no apparent reason.  Need I say more?!?!
     Reason 4: Cramping - It is too early for regular cramps and I keep getting random uterus cramps.  I am just certain that there is a little embryo trying to make itself cozy in my uterine wall.  Luckily I am being a good patient and putting up with the rump injections of progesterone to make that home safe and cozy!! ;)
     Reason 5: I have heartburn right now!  I know I already said that, but it is really annoying so I thought I would mention it again!!! ;)

So, this could be like the gazillion times that I thought I was pregnant over the past 64 cycles OR cycle #65 could be the lucky cycle!!! After all... the follicle was Lucky 13mm!!! And, for anyone who knows the Cahills, 13 is the luckiest number!!! :)

Thank you for continuing to support us!   Our blog has reached just shy of 2,500 views from 4 countries!  What an amazing reminder of the number of people who continue to cheer us on daily!!! We are so very blessed!  :)


  1. Soup with vegetables...who ARE you?
    Sounds like good reasons to me. :)

  2. I KNOW!!! Seriously!!! AND, spaghetti did not taste good to me yesterday OR today! What is happening to me?!?! I am totally craving more of that soup. It is so intense. Petey's is closed now so I think I am safe from the cooked vegetables!!! ;)

  3. I knew I was prego when my nipple hurt. That's a good sign in my book! Sending lots of good thoughts your way!!!

  4. Thank you, Nici!! I feel like my girls wouldn't lie to me!! HAHAH!!! ;) Then again, it could be the large amount of hormones that have been and continue to be pumped into my body!!! HAHAH!!
