Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Well, I have a SHOCKING revelation to fill you in on... regardless of how late you stay up to avoid the injections that must take place at 7 in the morning, 7 a.m. still arrives at the exact same time!!! Needless to say I am a little tired today from avoiding sleep! ;)  Thankfully when I woke up the bitterness had left the building! No, I have not forgotten the things that angered me, but holding on to that is only hurting me!

We have completed 3 maximum dosages of the medication and we also started the new medication.  We will continue with both of those things tomorrow and then hopefully they will have better results for us.  And if they don't, I hope that I am able to accept the results and move forward with a positive attitude.

I am thankful for the number of people who have reached out to me and blessed me with so much kindness.  Several of you are facing trials so much larger than ours and it humbles me to know that we are in your thoughts and prayers!

I hope that the "13" is a lucky follicle and that it is getting nice and fat!! :)  I would be ecstatic if other follicles decided to be lucky, too!! ;)
For now I am just going to focus on the excitement of tomorrow being the first day of the 2014-2015 school year!! I just know that it is going to be an AWESOME school year!! :)

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