Friday, August 8, 2014


Today was a WASTE of a day!!! Between the excitement of knowing that I would take my last Birth Control Pill today and the anticipation of my meds arriving I accomplished nearly nothing!!!!

So, at 6 p.m. tonight I took my final BCP.  It was an amazing moment!!! I have hated taking it and I am thankful to be finished.

Tonight an amazing woman and her youth group did a prayer circle around me.  It was such an amazing moment.  I am truly blessed to be surrounded by people who have supported me unconditionally.  Of course I cried! Tonight was the first time I have ever met the youth group and to think that they would offer up such a powerful prayer for Mike and I AND our future family meant SO much!!!

When I signed on tonight it said that my blog has had 588 views so far this week. 588!!! That is amazing!!! I am so thankful that I created this blog because it shows how loved Baby McVey is before s/he is even possible!!!! Truly amazing!!! I can never thank you all enough for your support and prayers!!!

I have had many reminders recently that God has a perfect plan for this child.  Though it is difficult to remember that sometimes, Mike and I know it is true.  There are many cases of people I know who have been helped by our story and it makes me so happy to know that through these trials we are able to reach out to others!!!

One thing that haunts me on a regular basis is that people worry that I am unable to be happy for people who are able to conceive without struggles or who have been blessed with lots of kiddos.  But, I have been blessed with a heart that fills with joy when I hear of the success of people who are growing their family.  One such person who did not have struggles conceiving is my sister Jenn. ;)  I am going to be an Aunt again in February!!!! I am so excited for her and our growing family.  I really hope she lets us know if it is a boy or a girl because I want to create super cute sewing and crocheting goodies for him/her!!!! So, now I will be Aunt Juju to Anna's Baby Boy Mercer in September, Aunt Julie to Meghan's Baby Boy Schroeder in October, and Aunt Julie (Or Aunt Bufface?!?!?! Right Jenn?!?!?) to Jenn's Mystery Baby Kulow in February!! Surely Jenn will have a girl so that I can make some of the cute dress patterns that I purchased!!! AND, a lot of the amazing prints for my new burp clothes are pretty feminine, as well!! ;)

Today I checked for a meds delivery several times, but was not successful.  Then I got a call this evening from Mike that they had arrived!!!! I came home from school so that I could sort them and assure that they had arrived correctly.  After all, I was told multiple times on the phone that I only had 24 hours to report any issues.  It had to be done right away!!! When I walked in the door I was SHOCKED by the size of the box!!!! (I tried to post a picture here, but it keeps telling me there is an error so I had to post to facebook!!)  It took me at least 10 minutes and encouragement from my friend Stef  before I opened the box.  It was VERY intimidating!!!

Luckily, it appears that everything is there. And, even though the needles look scary and HUGE, I know that it will be worth it when we finally hold our future baby/babies in our arms!!!

One thing that I must mention is that there were some strange side effects listed: Multiple births was listed... then it specified that it meant twins, not getting pregnant on multiple occasions!! AHAHHA!!; brown patches on my face that can be intensified by sun exposure; acne, acne, and more acne! Yep... that was a big one!!; sudden weight gain... OH GOODY!!!; PAIN... pain in all kinds of areas; nausea; drowsiness and sleeplessness (listed on the same med!).  Basically it sounds like I am going to have an awesome time!!!

As we get closer to the 5 year mark I am excited and hopeful that we will implant before we reach that date.  I don't know why that means so much to me, but if I am being honest, it really does!  Labor Day marks 5 years since we began our attempt at growing our family.  I realize that in the grand scheme of life a few days don't really make a big difference and if I was being realistic I would recognize that our journey still has at least 9 months to go, but I don't claim to be rational right now!! ;)  Just honest!! :)

Thank you for your continued support!  Check out the pictures of the meds on Facebook... They might not be as shocking to someone who will not have to have them injected into them, but WOW did they shock me!! ;)

Confession # one million seven hundred thirteen: The bag that I put all of the meds in that do not need refrigerated is the bag I purchased in preparation for the first cycle that was cancelled.  I thought I was being so sly and buying the perfect gender neutral diaper bag... little did I know of the adventures that were ahead of us and that when it actually came in the mail it would be thrown in a closet.  I am so thankful that I remembered that it was thrown in the closet because it is PERFECT for  keeping all of this organized!!! :)  See, things work out in God's perfect timing!! :)

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you again for your support!!

We are going to celebrate Grandpa Brozynski's 90th Birthday on Sunday.  (His actual birthday was last Sunday) What an amazing milestone!!! :)  I am so excited to celebrate with family!!


  1. Thanks for letting me a part of the unpacking.

  2. It's all part of your story.... thank you for sharing with all of us. We love you !!!!
