Thursday, August 14, 2014


Yesterday we started my injections.  I have to do a morning dosage of 225 IUs and a nighttime dosage of 225 IUs.  Unfortunately my meds come in 300 IU vials that are administered using a "pen".  (Kind of reminds me of an epi pen that is refillable) Therefore, I have to do multiple injections to complete a dosage sometimes.  So, though I have only completed 4 dosages, I have given myself 6 injections.  I had a terrible time sleeping the night before last because of the anticipation of the first injection.  In the morning I was up and waiting for it to be 7:00... Mike on the other hand was determined to sleep as long as he could! ;)  When it was finally 7:00 Mike was still trying to wake himself up and I (the genius) had tried to figure out how to close the sharps container and somehow got it STUCK closed.  UGH!!  Panic set in... it was 7:00, Mike was not cooperating completely, the sharps container was stuck, I was FREAKING OUT, things were NOT going as planned.  I was up WAITING for so long... how could things mess up now??!  But, then I thought, "butter knife"!!! I used the butter knife to pop open the sharps container, I hollered to Mike that it was TIME, and I sat down to figure things out.  Luckily these meds aren't as time sensitive as some.  The fact that we have to switch out cartridges in the "pen" during a dosage shows that.  (Not that I would ever purposely give myself the injections late! I would FREAK OUT, again!!)  So, we made it.  And only a little off schedule.  The interesting thing was that I could feel the medicine traveling!!! Seriously!!  It was crazy!  How did the meds know to find my ovaries and not my ear?!?!?  Well, I know they did because I could feel it!  AND, I talked to a friend who had the same feelings, so though I might be crazy, I am not alone!  The night time injection went well which totaled 3 shots down!  What a great feeling to have a day of injections complete!

Today's injections were pretty uneventful.  Mike has been fantastic moral support!  But, he is also a huge help!  He helps get the "pen" ready, he makes sure that the refrigerated meds are at room temperature so that they aren't uncomfortable going in, he takes the pen from me after injections and removes the needle for me, and most importantly he helps me to assure that I have the needle lined up straight for the injection.  My second injection yesterday was a little rough because I put it in at an angle.  We also realized that my left side is much more sensitive, it tends to bleed after the injections, whereas the right side just has a teeny tiny mark.  So, we are going to try to stay on the right side as much as possible.

Hopefully the injections continue to go well.  I am excited to see what the sonogram shows on Monday!  Hopefully I have lots of follicles get nice and fat!!!

Tomorrow night I will attempt my first shots without Mike coaching me through it.  It will also be my first shots away from home.  Fingers crossed that all goes well!!