Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rockford - Round 1

Sorry for the delayed post... Frontier was helping me practice my patience yesterday by not providing internet service at all! :/

Yesterday was our first trip to Rockford.  The trip up there was uneventful and we found the place very easily.  We walked into the beautiful waiting room and we were greeted by a sign that said, "If you have to wait longer than 25 minutes please let us know."  There was also a camera in the corner of the room up near the ceiling... there were no other humans in the room.  I contemplated ways in which we would alert the camera if the 25 minute deadline passed, but before I could create a plan, a nice nurse came through the door and called my name!! ;)

So, then we were told that the IVF coordinator was on vacation and therefore the kind nurse was going to "do her best to sift through the information"!  We took a seat in a small consultation room and the nice nurse became known as the "flakey nurse"!  HAHAHA!!! I could bore you with the reasons that she became known as flakey, but you will just have to trust me on that!  I must say, she was still nice, so I think we could call her the nice, flakey nurse!!! ;)

During this consultation we found out that I finally get to stop taking the birth control pill this Friday!! I am so excited about that!! My body HATES them!!! HATES them!!! I have no idea how people can be on these for years and years.  They are evil!! ;)

So, discontinuing the BCP is awesome!!! Also, I will have blood work done on either Monday or Tuesday and I will start my injections on Wednesday of next week!!! I can't believe how quickly this is coming together now.  Hopefully things continue to go smoothly!!! :)

Injections will start out twice a day for the first five days.  Then, they will increase to three a day.  I will start going in for sonograms and blood work on the 18th and I will go in every other day until my follicles are ready.  Then, hopefully on the 22nd they will tell me that my follicles look big, fat, and fantastic!! If so, they said that on the 23rd we will do a "trigger shot" at 11 p.m., which will be 32 hours before the egg retrieval on the 25th.  If the follicles are not ready, I will continue shots until they are.

In the end, we hope to have the embryo transfer by the end of the month!

After getting the schedule of events we spoke to the financial lady.   We signed a bunch of papers, some of which were duplicates of what we signed with the nurse.  The lady complemented me for paying attention because most people don't catch the fact that the forms are duplicated... WHAT?!?!?! Seriously?!?!!? It is SO strange that people don't read these papers that seem so important! The rest of the meeting went well and we are now set to complete the procedures!!

The ride home was AWFUL!! I was exhausted and I was falling asleep while I drove.  But, we made it home in one piece, which was the goal all along!  We determined that we will definitely stay in Rockford next time so that we are right there and don't have the long drive.  Then we will possibly take people up on their offers for hospitality if we are unable to make it back to Monmouth after the procedure, due to to my extreme motion sickness.

Today I received a call from the specialty pharmacy letting me know that my meds have been ordered!! I am very excited that we are moving forward and I appreciate the prayers and support that have gotten us to this point!! :)  As we learn more I will post more!! :)


  1. Great news! Things are getting super real, really quickly. Yahoo!

  2. Yes!!! It is getting very real!! :)
