Thursday, October 30, 2014

Our eggs!

This morning I got a call from the embryologist, Brian.  He told me that 7 of our 9 eggs were mature and 2 were immature.  He let me know that the 2 immature eggs did not fertilize even though they tried to allow them to further mature.  BUT, he said that ALL SEVEN of the mature eggs fertilized!!! SOOOO... we have 7 embryos!!!! :)  

This is a very exciting time!!! Now we just keep praying that these embryos will continue to grow and grow and grow!!! Our hope is to be able to transfer 2 embryos on Saturday morning at the implantation appointment.  We know that it is likely that not all embryos will make it to that point, but we are hopeful that we will have at least 2 strong Day 3 embryos on Saturday!! :)  We have already made a deposit to freeze any remaining embryos.  We will not be discarding them!  :) 
( I have had a lot of people ask about the process of determining how many embryos to implant and what to do with the other embryos... I will make a blog post about this soon!) 

Thank you for your continued support of our journey!! Thank you for thinking of our little ones that are up in Rockford and for keeping them in your prayers!!! Brian and Brooke are taking great care of them and watching over them for us!! I can't wait to see them on Saturday!!! :)  

It is crazy to think that after over 5 years of trying to grow our family our lives were changed so much in 1 day!!! We will keep you updated as we learn more about this process.  

P.S.  Last year on this date I had major surgery!!! So much endometriosis was removed and the two weeks that followed were a nightmare!  A year ago today I thought I was going to die. I woke up from surgery on oxygen and they wouldn't let Mike see me.  I was SO scared.  I was in SOOOOO much pain.  Instead of the anticipated 2 days of bed rest I had 2 WEEKS of bed rest and then restrictions for almost a month.  UGH!!!  SUCH A NIGHTMARE!!!! What a difference a year makes!!! I am very thankful that TODAY is the date that we got the news of our little ones growing up in Rockford.  It is such an amazing change from the previous memory of this date.  It brings it full circle!!! :)  

Another Halloween that the McVey's won't be able to  greet trick or treaters.  Looks like we will have enough fruit snacks to last us a whole year!!! I thought fruit snacks would be a good treat this year.  At least I got fruit snacks this year instead of candy!!! Believe me, we wouldn't have a problem tackling bags and bags of candy!  BUT, I don't think it would be helpful to the baby/babies!!!!  ;)  

Thanks again for your support!! We will keep you posted!!! 

Another P.S. (Hey... I am on bed rest and have nothing better to do than continue babbling!!!)  I want to point out that I am calmer today and yesterday than I have ever been in this process.  It is SUPER weird to me! I haven't cried.  I haven't been going crazy excited.  I think I am in shock or something!! And, I guess I know that my body needs me to chill out right now!!! :)  Does anyone find this calm strange?!?!?! I find it super strange, but also refreshing.  Maybe this is how normal people feel!!! I am SO used to being high strung!!!! I am so used to feeling everything times 1 million!! I am enjoying the fact that I am not going crazy right now and overthinking!!! It is a nice change!! But, I am pretty sure it is a phase I will pass through quickly!!!  I am very happy about the way things are moving right now and I am taking it moment by moment!!! 

Quote from Mike to end this blog post: As he was heading out the door earlier he said, "I just want a guarantee, (at this point I thought he was going to say "stay on the couch and remember you are on bed rest... NOPE!!) that we will not have 4 if we put in 2!!"  HAHAH!!! Sorry honey!! No guarantee... But, if they both split and turned into 4 they would be 1 in 70 million!!! That is pretty special!! ;)  And, I am pretty sure both of us would faint!!! HAHA!! 

Have a wonderful night!!! :)  


  1. You are always the exception. Quads are in your future. ;)

  2. Don't let Mike hear you say that!! HAHAH!!
