Friday, November 7, 2014

Transfer Day

Sorry for the delayed post.  This week has been pretty crazy... from bed rest and not feeling up to doing anything to trying to get as much done as possible while still trying to follow my restrictions... I am definitely glad to have my feet up right now and I am strongly considering an early bedtime!! :)

Friday night (Halloween) Mike and I made the trip to Rockford.  On the way we were very suprised to see so much traffic on 74 and 88... it was Halloween night and PRIME trick or treating time!!! What were these people doing?!?!!?  We decided to stop in Sterling to have dinner at a mom and pop type restaurant and we were suprised by the number of people out to eat during trick or treating time. Although, one couple did have candy that they were handing out at their table.  Apparently they are REGULARS!!! From the sounds of it they might be there daily! ;)  We got back on the road and arrived in Rockford sometime after 9 p.m., settled in and watched the end of the Bulls game.  Then, what sounds better than sleep on the night before transfering embryos??!?!??! Denny's desserts!!! Mike had an amazing banana split and I ordered the caramal apple crisp.  So good!!!! We then went back to the hotel and realized that we were going to be SUPER tired in the morning!! The sacrifices we are willing to make for dessert!!! HAHAHH!!  I did my progesterone application and prayed that we would have embryos ready for us in the morning (At this point we hadn't heard anything about our embryos since Thursday morning.).

The morning started off very slow... I know, I should have been eager and bright eyed, but to be honest I just kept hitting snooze and finally asked Mike if he would just get ready first.  I felt exhausted and apprehension probably had something to do with it, too.  With the late start we left the hotel with only a few minutes to get to the facility and I was FREAKING OUT!!!! Majorly panicking that we would be late!!! Well, we were late... but just by a few minutes.  It didn't seem to be a problem at all, especially since we were scheduled to be there 30 minutes before my procedure.  They called us right back and we went to the same room that I was in before and after my retrieval.  The nurse was FABULOUS!!! She reminded me of a flight attendent as she rattled off the list of restrictions that I would need to follow after the transfer.  She had such a spunky personality. :)  Soon we had all of our information for what to do after we went home and they had me get changed into the lovely gown.  So glamorous!!

The next person to enter the room was the embryologist.  She walked in and told us that all 7 of our embryos had made it.  She said that we had 2 grade A embryos that woud be used for the transfer, 3 grade B embryos that would be frozen, and 2 grade C embryos that would be destroyed.  Mike and I looked at each other and immediately said, "WHAT?!?!??!".  We discussed with the embryologist that we did not feel comforable with the idea of destroying any embryos and she stated that she felt that those embryos were not worth freezing because they would likely not make it throught the freezing and/or thawing process.  She said that they were not growing at the rate of the others.  Basically she was stating that they were inferior.  The thing is, I know someone who has "Grade C twins".  They are amazing!! They are tied for #1 in their high school class, they are wonderful kids, and they have a family who loves them.  They are the "Grade C" poster children!!! How could I let this facility destroy my Grade C babies?!?!? Well, the answer is that we didn't.  We asked her if we could have some time to talk to each other, but that wasn't possible due to the need for the paperwork to be signed before the procedure.  So, we said that we wanted them frozen and if they didn't make it through freezing and thawing at least we gave them a chance.  I know that Mike was very taken back by the situation and he wasn't prepared to have to face it at that point.  Neither of us really thought about the fact that we could be presented with such a situation.  But, we know we made the right decision. So, we have 3 vials of our frozen embryos: 1 B and 1 C, 1 B and 1 C, and 1 B.  We have already decided that if at any point we determine that our family is complete, we will donate the remaining embryos to a family that is on the waiting list at the facility.  I can't imagine what those couples are going through as they wait.  I do know from our previous experience that it is a terrible feeling to think that you may never have a chance at forming your own embryos.  I hope that someday we will be able to help someone in that situation.

The embryologist left and brought in the catheter with the 2 embryos in it and left the room again.  The doctor and nurse came in at that point and I have a feeling that the staff must have told him about my anesthetized ramblings because Dr. G was actually very personable!!! Seriously!!! He came in and asked how our Halloween was and after we told him we spent it driving and had stayed at the hotel he recommended, he continued to tell us about his evening.  He said that he is lucky because the area he lives in is wooded and therefore doesn't get any trick or treaters! HAHA!!! He then said that he gets candy just in case, but he also said that it was a great night because he went to the grocery store and noone was there! I got a kick out of the conversation because while being personable and chatting he managed to say that he was lucky that he didn't have to deal with trick or treaters! HAHA!! So ironic to me that he is in the business of bringing children into the world!!! :)The urse then made the comment that she had guessed that I was a kindergarten teacher because I was so nice. She was so curious that she had actually checked online in my file to see what my occupation was.  I wonder if she really sees a trend with the demeanor of people from different occupations?!? Is there a certain occupation taht she really dreads dealling with??  She was very proud of herself when she read that I am an elementary teacher.  It made me feel good to know that she felt that I was extremely nice.  Sometimes in those tough situations you want to be kind, you try to be gracious, but you aren't really sure if it is all working!!!

At that point they instructed me to assume the position!!! ( I will spare you the details!!!)  For this procedure you must have a full bladder, so the doctor and nurse completed a sonogram to determine if my bladder was full enough to get started.  It was determined that my bladder looked "great" and we were able to move forward.  The procedure went very smoothly.  It is not something that is comfortable to have done to you, but it is also the means to us having children, so it will be worth it!! Once they felt that everything was in position they walkie talkied to the embryologist to let her know that the transfer was complete.  YEP!!! They walkie talkied!!! I thought it was SOOO cool!!! Then the embryologist came in and grabbed the catheter carefully to take and examine for assurance that the embryos were in my body and not still in the catheter!  It was exciting to hear her radio back the all clear.  The doctor and nurse said that everything looked great and that they didn't see a reason why this wouldn't work out.  Then they said that I needed to lay flat for 30 minutes and I could use the restroom after that.  THIRTY MINUTES!!!! The nurse also told me that she could bring in a bed pan if my bladder was going to give out.  Well, the problem is that I REALLY had to go, but I am physically unable to go in a bed pan.  I tried after one of my surgeries and it just wouldn't work.  I am guessing it is due to the endometriosis and how it has things all messed up in there, but for whatever reason I cannot do it.  So, I had to just wait for 30 torcherous minutes for relief.  About 15 minutes into this wait my legs started shaking, which was not a good thing because the way they left me had my legs bent onto a part of the bed that was collapsible.  So, as my legs were shaking it was bouncing the collapsible part of the bed.  :/ Not comfortable!!! Not at all!!! I started checking facebook, playing games on my phone, trying to do anything to distract myself.  I was almost in tears.  I kept telling Mike that I was going to pee the bed.  At that point we had about 5 minutes left and Mike had my clothes in his hands and ready for me so that I could throw them on and shoot across the hallway to the bathroom.  Within a couple minutes we had decided that I would not even worry about changing and that I could change after I had gone.  It was SUPER intense.  Definitely the worst part of the procedure! I continued to play on the phone while Mike watched the clock.  When he told me I could get up it was like a sad joke... the bed and the contraptions on the bed had me trapped.  I thought I would pee the bed for sure by the time I got around all the contraptions.  But I made it... and I even decided on throwing my clothes on before entering the hallway... THANKFULLY!!!! Wouldn't you know it, Dr. G. was right outside the door when I walked out there.  Now that I think of it, it shouldn't be that embarrassing... afterall, there isn't anything that he would have seen that he hadn't just seen 30 minutes earlier! HAHAH!! (Sorry, but I have to keep a sense of humor about the number of doctors that have been all up in my business or I would go CRAZY!!!)  We were then sent on our way and I was instructed to be on bed rest for two days.  I was also given the restriction that I couldn't really lift anything during that time, and that I can't lift over 10 pounds for the next couple weeks at least.

I forgot to mention that during my time laying flat we decided that we really wanted to go meet Rylan and see the rest of the Schroeder family as well.  So, we got into the car and made the trek to DeKalb... it was so close to where we were that I just couldn't pass up the opportunity, even if I did have to lay flat on their couch the whole visit.  So we stayed a couple hours and ate lunch with them.  It was a great visit and I am glad we made the slight detour!!! :)

Once I got home Mike was fabulous!  He got dishes and laundry going.  He took care of getting me fed and made sure that I was as comfortable as I could be.  (My back was killing me at that point!) And he made sure that I had everything necessary to remain hydrated.

Bed rest was rough because being flat on my back was really uncomfortable due to my back pain.  This is a side effect of the procedure and of my new progesterone and it was pretty rough.  When I went back to work on Monday I felt like I would die... dizziness, vomiting, back pain, exhaustion.  It was just terrible.  But, I made it through and I even stayed to work on things until about 5:00.  Tuesday was a little better, but my back pain was still there. It has improved from there, but by 5 each day I am really ready to head home and hit the couch.  Last night I managed to make lasagna roll ups when I got home!! Tonight I am getting some laundry done!! Small victories!!!

For now I continue to stay off my feet as much as possible.  I don't lift things that are greater than 10 pounds.  I try to keep my feet up at night.  I have been attempting to get a little more sleep.  I have been making sure to get more than the 64 ounces of water that they told me I was require to drink.  I have been taking the prescription prenatal and doing my progesterone gel applications.  So, I am doing everything I can to assure that things are going well.  I have been praying for these babies.  I pray that they burrow in and make themselves cozy.  That they grow and grow and grow into healthy Team McVey members!!! And I also think that I am kind of in denial about everything that has taken place... it seems SOOO surreal!!

Thank you for your continued support, thoughts, and prayers!! The outpouring of support truly is remarkable!

Next week is going to be tough. As we get closer to finding out if we have additions to Team McVey still with us and growing I am sure I will be increasingly anxious!!! Hopefully you will be hearing from me soon that we have at least one new member of Team McVey on board!! Mike has made it very clear that four new members would not be his ideal situation.  I think he has now realized that two would be scary, but also exciting.  We haven't really discussed three... but I know that we will do the best we can with God's plan is for us!!!


  1. That is wonderful news! One step closer. I admire your strength and courage. Hang in there! We will be thinking of you guys!

  2. Thinking and praying about you A LOT!!
