Saturday, October 18, 2014


The last couple days I feared that housekeeping was going to walk into our hotel room and think we had some kind of crack house set up in there! Joking... kind of!!! But, the truth is that we had a lot of vials of medication and needles that we were contending with as we celebrated an exciting weekend at the Queen/Manker wedding!!  Housekeeping knocked on the door many times to check on us and make sure that we didn't need anything.  I was so thankful that we were in the room each time so that they didn't freak out at the sight of all of the meds!! ;)  I was also thankful when we packed everything back up and headed home without any incidents!!! :)

Yesterday we woke up at 6:45 to complete the 7:00 injection.  It was surprising, but we were kind of stumbling to get it right... how could we forget how to give the Folistem injection?!?!?  We did that one SOOOO frequently last time!  But, we did... which I think is a sign that someday this whole process will just be a distant memory and we will live normal lives that don't include getting up early for injections when we could sleep in, leaving events to go do an injection, or not going to events because leaving to do an injection just seems like a pain (hence the situation tonight!).  

Yesterday I realized that boys have it SOOOO easy on a wedding day!  Being the wife of the Best Man was AMAZING!!!! Absolutely AMAZING!!!! Even though we woke up early for the injection I  took at nap from 9 - 11 and I LOVED it!!!!!! Then lunch and a couple errands.  I took my time lounging and getting ready as I felt like it.  Had time to stop at Maurice's... Yes!!! AMAZING!!! AMAZING!!! AMAZING!! I couldn't believe that it was a typical day for the males in a wedding! WHAT!!! 

The ceremony was beautiful, the outdoor fall setting was perfect, and I was so happy to be there celebrating with good people who have been together for 10 years and now are officially married!!!  As the reception started the speeches were great, the food was delicious, and then it was time to zoom over to the hotel and make our first attempt at the Menapur mixing!  Let's just say that it didn't go as well as we had hoped.  We aren't really certain why, but our mixture wasn't quite right and we are determined to get it right tonight!!! We had to use something called a "Q-Cap" because it is what they sent us in the last med shipment. Tonight I am going to try something a little different because the "Q-Cap" is not working out.  It is causing some sort of vacuum that seemed to short us medication, but we know we started out with the right amount of saline.  So, we have some needles left from the meds I reacted to, so we will try those and hope things go better!  We were also late with the injection, so we will move it up 10 minutes a night until we are back on track.  Thankfully it was the first night, so it shouldn't be a big deal.  We talked to the nurses during the last cycle and they said we 10-12 minutes difference each night was perfectly acceptable.  

This morning the injection went very well except for the fact that I was SOOO exhausted!!! So exhausted!!  

I am getting ready to mix tonight's Menapur injection.  I am a little nervous, but I am certain that without the "Q-Cap" I will get it right! :)  

Though these injections are a pain... sometimes literally... I must say that it seems like a small price to pay for the opportunity to grow our family!  What a blessing and a miracle it is that these injections might be the answer we need! 

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers!