Monday, October 6, 2014

Actupuncture and Chiro appt. #2

Tonight I went to Dr. Kitzman for the 2nd time.  I am excited that I can once again turn my head to the right again!!! WOOHOO!!! And, in other exciting news... the acupuncture chart things that were "split" are now evened out... which means that my right side and my left side agree with each other now.  I don't really know what any of it means, except that progress was made.  I will go back again on Thursday.  I am SO thankful to Mrs. Coulter for switching me appointments so that I didn't have to cancel!  Alison and Nadine are such amazing people and I am so thankful to them for encouraging me to make take a chance on this type of treatment.  I already feel less tension and that is a HUGE improvement!!! :)

As for the IVF meds... I finally was able to get the specialists office, pharmacy, and insurance company on the same page.  Unfortunately it means that I will have to do a different type of progesterone.  Now I will have to do a gel applicator internally. :/  They said I could still have an allergic reaction so I need to be careful.  I can't imagine hives THERE!!!! AHHHHH!!! I am pretty much freaking out!!! But, this is an option that is covered by insurance and LESS LIKELY to cause an allergic reaction, so I am going to put my big girl panties on and go for it.  My baseline sonogram is next Monday and the plan is to start injections on Friday, October 17th.  We will be attending a wedding and reception that afternoon/evening, so I will once again get the pleasure of injecting myself during a reception!  WOW!!! I have great timing!!! ;)  Mike is the best man, so hopefully he can sneak away long enough to help me! Otherwise I am sure it will come back to me like riding a bike!! ;)

Thank you to everyone for your continued support through this crazy journey.  I feel like I am on the path to human again.  I was in really bad shape for a while and the path was pretty scary.  Thanks for not giving up on me while I was in a pretty negative and depressed place.  I feel like I am able to be positive again now that I have started working to make progress!  Waiting wasn't a good place for me!

Tomorrow marks 11 years that Mike and I have been together!! WOW!!! I have been with him for 1/3rd of my life!!!! He should feel pretty lucky!!! ;) heheheh!!!!
Seriously though, 11 years!! What a milestone! I am so thankful for the relationship we have built over the last 11 years and I am excited for our future together!

Have a wonderful evening!


  1. How were the potato oles? I'm living vicariously, here!

    Glad you're feeling better. Being in a funk is not a good place to be. Next time you're sad, think of lap dog and CRACK UP as I am doing RIGHT NOW.

  2. The potato oles were AMAZING!!! Fresh and piping hot!!! :)

    I am hopeful that this funk will take a hike!!! I will try to remember lap dog during times of funk!! ;)

  3. That is awesome! I'm glad it's working for you. I tried it before but I think it was by a doctor who (maybe) had a day of wasn't a good experience - plus I was VERY nervous. I'd try it again if it was by someone who knew what they were doing. So I'm glad it's working for you. Sending more prayers!! I think of you often. I'm listening to a book right now that really makes me think of you a LOT!

  4. Oh - and I will pray hard for no hives this time!!!

  5. Thank you so much, Deb! I really like the doctor I am seeing. His name is Dr. Kitzman. His practice moved to La Claire, IA today... but I am still going to drive there because it is worth it!!

    Now I am curious about the name of the book!!!! :)
