Monday, October 27, 2014

Sonogram #3

Last night I had too much nervous energy/excitement to sleep... which led to me feeling EXHAUSTED today!!! But, I have to stay up until a little after 11:00 tonight, so there is no chance of going to bed early to try to recuperate a little from getting less than 4 hours of sleep last night.

Today's sonogram went well.  We are now using latex free materials, so that is much better than what I experienced on Friday!  The doctor (back to Dr. G this time) said that the lining of my uterus is "beautiful" and that things look "optimistic"!!!! Woohoo!!! That is pretty exciting coming from a self proclaimed cynic!!

The Dr. started out the sonogram by saying, "Oh, you are the one with the ovary stuck to your uterus!"  Yep... yep I am!! ;)  Then he said that I had 3 follicles... this kind of made me panic until he said, "Now lets look at the one that is stuck."  So, I have 3 follicles on the ovary that I had only endometriosis on on Friday!  Crazy, but I will take it!!!  (The follicles are size 10, 12, and 18.  So, we will just have to see if any will be viable.  Possibly the 18, unless that is the endometrioma that was seen on the sono last time.")

So, then he looked at the tricky ovary and determined that we still had 7 follicles and most of them are big and fat!!! I had a couple 25s, several 22s, and a 16.  I don't really know why that 16 didn't grow, but oh well... So, we have 7 on the tricky ovary and 3 on the other one.  So we scheduled our retrieval for Wednesday!! :)

Dr. S. will be in charge of my retrieval and Dr. G. will be in charge of the implantation (as long as we get to that stage!!!).  Dr. G. instructed us that we must stay at a hotel in Rockford due to the distance we live from the facility.  He said there are too many things that could go wrong when we are that far away because this procedure is SOOOO time sensitive!

Tonight at 11:00 we will do the Novarel trigger shot.  That is exactly 35 hours from the procedure.  The medicine causes ovulation to occur between 36 and 40 hours from the injection... SO, he said that if anything held us up such as car trouble or a fender bender I would likely ovulate in the car instead of having my eggs retrieved like they are supposed to be! In other words, things would be cancelled again!  Tonight I called and booked the hotel room and we will leave after school tomorrow!  The doctor was adamant that it was the right choice!!! They gave us the number for a hotel that they have a discount worked out with... let me tell you, I would hate to think of what the regular price is... I wouldn't think that a Tuesday night would have their highest rate either... this must be a super nice hotel!!! ;)  Honestly, I was not very excited about spending the extra money on a hotel room. But, at this point it is such a small amount compared to the big picture... I need to just take a deep breath and remind myself that it will all be worth it!!!

Tonight's injection is an intermuscular injection, so it is done in the rump.  Hopefully this will be the last injection of this cycle! WOOHOO!!! From this point on I will only be using the progesterone gel, not the progesterone injections (due to the allergic reaction).  I am a little nervous about the change because they can't guarantee that I won't have a reaction to this form of progesterone. EEK!!! ;)

Currently I am very excited and optimistic about Wednesday's procedure!  I am experiencing a lot of back pain and abdominal discomfort, but they said that is because my ovaries are "full" and pushing on my back.  So, I will just continue to try to find comfortable positions to sit, stand, and lounge in!  This will all be worth it if we are able to bring home a healthy baby someday!!! :)

Right now I am in awe as I think about the fact that we might have babies forming on Wednesday!!! Within the week it is possible that we will get to see pictures of our babies!!! The dream I had about taking the embryo pictures to school to show them off could come true! I know that I need to prepare myself for the fact that it might not work out, but for now I just need to enjoy this moment!

Thank you again for all of your support!! We are both excited about this week and the opportunities we have this week.  I wish I would have asked more about the process that will occur after they do my surgery and Mike takes care of his end of the deal!  I know that they put them in a petri dish, but I don't really know how they will determine the time frame for the rest of the process.  Hopefully I will be with it enough after I come out of anesthesia to ask the questions I have!!

At this point I don't even know what I want to know!! HAHA!! I think it is a little above my head!! :)

Have a wonderful evening and thanks again for being part of our journey!!!


  1. Praying for you Julie!

  2. Ahhhh! I was so excited last night when I talked to you, and now this morning after reading this I'm super pumped all over again. So excited I'll break my multiple exclamation mark rule just for you. !!!!! That's how excited I am. :)

  3. Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

    This is very exciting!! Definitely worth breaking the rules!!! :)
