Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sonogram #2

Yesterday we had sonogram #2.  It started off very strange because I had a couple things added to my file.  One thing that was added was a latex allergy!!! Yep, somehow I have developed an allergy to latex. My stomach has welts on it from the bandages that we have used throughout the injection process and they told us it is from a latex allergy.  I thought my stomach was just sensitive because my arm hasn't had any reactions to the bandages they used during blood draws, but it turns out they use latex free bandages.  I used latex free bandages last night and this morning... no new welts! SOOOO... add another freakshow allergy to my list!!! ;)

Also, we found out that the fact that my body rejects internal stitches has a name and needs to be added to my medical file.  Who knew?!?!  People acted like it wasn't really a big deal, so I just didn't worry about it.  Turns out that my body doesn't "break them down" and therefore those can't be used on me anymore.  I think I am starting to learn a lesson... if something doesn't seem right I shouldn't listen to people who are discounting my fears... it probably isn't right.  Too many times I have been concerned about something with my health, people have discounted it, I have believed them, and in the end I am the one who has to deal with the situations that arise later.  Public service announcement... YOU are your best advocate!!!! Fight for yourself and try to be supportive of others who are advocating for their health!!!! :)

Back to the sonogram... I was surprised to see Dr. S walk through the door instead of Dr. G.  But, I wasn't disappointed.  I really like Dr. S and I feel like he is much better at communicating with us.  So, it was a nice surprise!  Turns out that Dr. S will be the one doing my retrieval, so I was glad he was able to take a peek!  Here is a run down of the appointment:
1.  Dr. S. asked to see my tummy and then told me to use latex free bandages or paper tape and guaze from now on.  He said we don't want me to continue to welt.  Thank you!! I don't want to continue to welt either!!
2. When he started the sonogram he went directly to the location of the "bad" ovary.  He didn't say anything negative about the position.  He said, "Well! We have a lot more follicles than last time."  I thought he meant more than Wednesday, so I asked if he was looking at the "good ovary" or the "bad ovary", but I was wrong... he was talking about the last cycle attempt when he completed my IUI he wasn't comparing to Wednesday's sonogram. I am so glad he cares enough to remember previous cycles and compare the progress!!!
3.  He asked why we call my ovaries the "good ovary" and the "bad ovary".  We told him it was because the "bad" one is stuck in a place it shouldn't be... he said, "Oh, I thought the "good" ovary was the "bad" ovary because it had a problem that you are aware of.  At that point I realized that the "bad" ovary is actually my "good" ovary and it is just par for the course that it is going to be tricky to get to.  Turns out the ovary that we have been calling "good" is having issues and it doesn't have any follicles on it.  Instead, what they thought was a single follicle is actually endometriosis.  :( BOOO!!! And we have been calling it the "good ovary"!!! I have been living a lie!! ;) I think I will start calling the stuck ovary the "tricky ovary" and the other one is just the dud right now!!! ;)
4.  He counted the follicles and determined that we have 7 follicles left out of the 9.  As I said in #3 he told me that he believes that one of the follicles is not actually a follicle.  He said he will try to get the follicles from the tricky ovary first and then he will see what he can do with the follicle that might be endometriosis.  I reminded him that I have had chocolate cysts removed before, so his plan is to check it and see if it has normal fluid and possilby an egg or if it is full of the dark gook that  a chocolate cyst is full of.  He will tackle it last so that he doesn't contaminate the line for other follicles and eggs.  I am SOOO thankful that he is being cautious in this situation.
5.  They read off the measurements and things sounded great!!!! My follicles are getting so close to the 18+ target!!!! YAY!!!!
6. I finally decided that I wanted to ask why he didn't seem nervous about the positioning of my ovary like Dr. G. did.  He said, 'You will be put under for this procedure.  I can manipulate your abdomen any way I need to and you won't feel it!"  So, I have a feeling I might be sore when I wake up, but it will be worth it if we have good results!!! :)
7.  Dr. S. told me to get dressed and meet them in the office area.  So, that is what I did.  Then the nurse told me that the IVF coordinator brought it to her attention that one of my medications that I am scheduled to use on Monday has latex in it.  Thankfully I received a different type of meds that does NOT contain latex.  YAY!!! Things are looking up!!!
8.  They scheduled our next appointment for Wednesday and gave me some emergency meds to take home just in case we didn't have enough to make it thought the weekend.  Dr. S. said, "You better take them... the weekend is a lonely place to be without enough meds!"  See!! I told you he was much more personable!!
9.  As Mike and I were about to walk out the door I quickly turned around and said, "What happened to my other follicle!?!??! Why did I have less this time?"  Yes... this had been bothering me all along and being the freakshow I am, I just couldn't let it go!!! Dr. S. told me that it is perfectly normal for larger follicles to take over and for smaller follicles to die off.  OK!! I can accept that!!! We want big, plump, healthy follicles and that is what we have!!! :)
So, I left feeling pretty fabulous about our chances!!! :)

So, the plan is that we will go back on Monday... have an excellent appointment!!!! Then, we will stay up late (who am I kidding?!?!? We would have been awake anyway!!!) and do our HCG trigger shot (the one without the latex - it is a rump shot).  Then we will go for retrieval on Wednesday!!!! At that point I will have bed rest on Wednesday and Thursday and hope that we have some amazing little embryos growing at that point!!!! :)  If so we will implant on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday... it all depends on what those little babies need!!!!! :)

Things I learned from this appointment...
1. When the nurse says that I might want a different internal probe cover because it has latex and I could react... LISTEN TO HER!!! I reacted!! It is just as uncomfortable as it sounds!!! ;) I will definitely let her know that I need a differetn cover for Monday's appointment!!!
2.  Latex is an allergy you "grow into'.  Meaning that you are more likely to develop an allergy the more you are exposed to it... You have been warned!!!! ;)
3.  Sometimes good news is the best medicine you could ask for! And, it can be exhausting!!! I didn't realize that I was basically holding my breath for 2 days waiting to see if things were still going well. I couldn't believe the weight that was taken off my shoulders when I heard that things were looking good and that Dr. S. felt confident about next week!!!!  As soon as we left I instantly felt exhausted.. I realized how poorly I have been sleeping... and I took a short nap as soon as I got home!!
4.  Boys and girls handle infertility differently... and it is okay!  Mike is so good at taking this one day at a time and sometimes it is hard for me to accept the calm that he maintains... but, this is happening to my body.  I am reminded of it every second of every day because my body is not normal right now!!!  So, we will handle this differently, and that is just fine!!! As long as we are in it together, we don't have to feel the same along the way!! ;)
5. I am so thankful for an amazing support team that allows me to feel the way I feel!!
6.  Right now I feel like a pin cushion... and Mike said it is because I am one... and I look like one!!! ;) Thanks babe!!! ;)  HAHAHAHH!!!! P.S.  I really do!!!

I am currently feeling very "full" in the abdomen.  It is a normal feeling as everything continues to do what it is supposed to do, but it is still strange!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  I will update if anything changes as the weekend continues on!
Thanks for everything!!!

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