Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sonogram #1

This afternoon we went in for our first sonogram since starting the injections.  The first ovary (the good one) had 1 follicle.  I was a little disappointed to only see 1, but at least it looked good.  Then he went to the ovary that is stuck to the top of my uterus and it was covered!  There are 8 follicles on it!  As exciting as that is, my Dr. reminded me that it is not a good thing that the ovary is stuck to the very end of my uterus.  He said he would have to make a uterus shishkabob in order to retrieve from it.  His concern is whether the needle will be able to reach the follicles to retrieve from them.  BUT, at least he is willing to try!!! :)  We go back to check on the growth of these follicles on Friday.  Hopefully things will continue to progress at a good rate and we will be looking at retrieval next week.  We should know more after Friday's appointment, but we might not know for certain until after our appointment on Monday.  I guess I don't know how this works because we have not been at this point before! I was SHOCKED that I got to start my Ganarelix today... last time I went to Sonogram #1 I didn't have enough growth to start that medicine.  I took it once or twice during that cycle before it was cancelled, but I didn't do the injection at the office like it was planned.  This time I got to do the shot at the office, so I feel like we are really making progress!!! :)

It is very strange, but I can feel the follicles.  They are so small, but they are noticable.  It is a feeling that I felt last time as well.  I was so relieved when I found out they were follicles instead of a huge cyst again!  Hopefully these follicles contain eggs... quality eggs!!!

I have no idea if acupuncture has been a factor in the growth of these follicles or not, but I definitely feel that it has helped to reduce my stress level and it has kept me much more calm than I was last cycle.  I am so excited to share my news with my doctor and find out what he suggests for continued treatment.  It amazes when I think of the ways that God has continued to bring the idea of acupuncture into my life.  I am so thankful that I made the call and started to see Dr. Kitzman.  It has been a wonderful experience.

In other news... my sister has a baby bump now!!! There is really a little lady in there!!!! :)  We had family pictures over the weekend and the little princess is finally showing herself!!! It's about time... she is due to arrive at the beginning of February (Feb. 5th I believe)!!

Also, my nephew Rylan was born on the 13th!!!  He joined the awesome people who have birthdays/anniversaries on the 13th!! It is an elite group!! ;)  Hopefully we will get a chance to meet him soon!! :)  (And to see Braden and Kate!)

It is an exciting time for Aunt Julie and Uncle Mike!!!

Thank you for your continued support and prayers!!! I am so thankful for my team of supporters!  This process is not easy physically, mentally, or emotionally.  I couldn't do this without you!!!

I better get to sleep.  I have 2 shots to do in the morning!

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