Saturday, October 4, 2014


Well I officially decided that doing NOTHING was not going to work for me emotionally, so I made an appointment and I went to see a chiropractor who is also an acupunturist (If that is a real title!??!). My decision making process for this situation was, "What do I have to lose?!"  And, the answer to that is "Absolutely nothing!".  I have been thinking about this for a LONG time and I feel that it keeps coming to me as something I should try.  I pray to God on a regular basis that he will guide me toward the path we are supposed to take and acupuncture repeatedly presents itself, SO I thought I would go for it.  Dr. Kitzman is out of Bettendorf, IA.  He was extremely nice and seemed to genuinely want to help me win this battle against infertility!  I appreciated the time he spent with me and the fact that he fit me in next week even though I saw the calendar and he is VERY busy! He said that if it was his wife having these issues he would want her receiving treatment 3-5 times per week... he said he knows that it isn't possible for that to happen for me, so he wants to fit me into his schedule the best that my schedule allows. We settled on twice a week for now (unfortunately I already have to cancel one session next week due to a meeting, but at least I had good intentions!!).  My hope for this process is to balance out my hormones through these treatments and to reduce some of the stress that my body is under.  I am a total mess at this point and I need to destress before treatment starts in order to be prepared for everything that we will face.  It is my hope that these treatments will help my stress levels to decrease and that in the process my hormones will start to level out over time.  He said  that the treatment I did was kind of a "reset" of sorts.  So, we will see what my levels are when I go back on Monday.  Hopefully they aren't as crazy as they were this time.

So, how do I feel after one treatment?!?  Well, to be honest, I don't feel a heck of a lot different.  I would say that I feel that have less tension, but that is relative because my muscles are so tense that they are causing bursitis in my right shoulder and causing my posture to become increasingly poor.  Unfortunately I carry stress MAJORLY in my shoulders and neck.  I also clinch my jaw a lot and grind my teeth in the night or when working sometimes.  So, a goal of mine is to rid my body of the excessive levels of tension, which should help me to feel MUCH better!!!! I am going to seek out ways to try to ease the tension in my muscles, I have already tried electrode therapy, massage, a roller table at a different chiro, a roller tube that I roll over before sleeping... so many things I can't even count, but my back, shoulders, and neck remain in knots! It is pretty ridiculous actually!! Every massage therapist and chiropractor I have seen has commented on the degree that my tension is at.  I need to start focusing on that more intensely!

In other IVF news, the insurance company is still refusing to pay for a change in my progesterone injections EVEN THOUGH I had an allergic reaction to the previous one.  I spoke to someone and they said that the new meds would cost $50 per vial.  I don't know if that is a lot more than we paid previously or not, considering how high the cost of my meds were for the last cycle (even though we weren't able to complete it).  So, I have a lot of investigating to do and I need to get it done SOON!  The sad thing is that they aren't even certain that I won't react to this type of injection.  So, I could go through this again and I am not healed from the first reaction yet.  GEESH!!! ;)

As we get closer to the 13th I am starting to get nervous and excited.  Going to acupuncture yesterday eased some of my depression and stress over the waiting.  I feel like I took a step toward trying to make this work out, so that was good for my outlook on life.  In all honesty I have been worried about myself lately.  I have been very much unlike myself and it got to where I felt as if I had no control over myself anymore.  I don't like that feeling at all and I hope it continues to fade away!

I truly appreciate those of you who continue to support us through thoughts and prayers.  I know that things will start to get crazy and intense again soon, but hopefully this will be just what we need to grow our family!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Shoot. My other comment disappeared. I said I'm glad this acupuncturist was a good fit for you. You're doing EVERYTHING you can, and I believe that you'll see results. :)
