Saturday, March 14, 2015

What a beautiful Saturday!

I just love this beautiful weather!  It is just what I need as we continue through this journey.  I am happy to report that my rump is not in NEARLY as much pain!!! It is still not normal, but it is SOOO much better than it was... other than the fact that I get an injection in it every night!! HAHA!! The nurse was right, the cold weather wasn't letting it absorb and I wasn't able to spend enough time on the heating pad to help it out.

Today I spent some time in Galesburg.  Jaclyn waxed my eyebrows (they were SOOOO bad!!), I went to lunch at LaGondola (absolutely delicious!), and I stopped at Maurice's.  Sadly, it is time to invest in a new pair of jeans.  My favorite jeans have a thigh rip. :(  BOO!!! And, if I am being honest, it is time to go up a jeans size. :/  Yep, with each cycle I have gained weight and this cycle is no different.  Since we have not taken time off between cycles my body hasn't had time off of the meds to try to lose some of the weight, so it is just compounding. :(  I have read about this on a lot of IVF forums and they say that it has to do with the hormones.  Most people say that they are eating healthy and working out as much as all of the restrictions allow, but people report gaining anywhere from 5-10 pounds per cycle to 20, 30, even 35 pounds!!! Some lucky people don't gain any weight... I do my best not to hate the people who make posts stating that they haven't gained anything and they feel fabulous!!! ;)  The reason I am posting about this is because it is a total bummer to already feel icky about everythig IVF and then feel icky about your body, too!! I want people going through it to realize that they are not alone!! I keep saying things like, "I guess I need to quit feeding my feelings... pants are getting tight."  But, the truth is that other than when I was on the steroids (WOAH that was an intense hunger!!!!) I have not been a crazy eater. I am not using this as an excuse to binge.  No, I am not a fan of a lot of "healthy" foods, so you won't see me eating weird, healthy things... but this weight gain is not from nonstop snacking/binge eating!  I think I thought it was easier to face the additional pounds by joking about it, but I guess I was only kidding myself!  SO, I bought a new pair of jeans (not the cutest, but they will do) and accepted the fact that for the second time since we started these cycles I have less of a wardrobe! It is hard to look in the mirror and see the changes that are occuring.  The scars from the surgeries, the flubby stomach that used to be flat... that was one thing I had going for me... my thighs were ginormous, but at least my stomach was flat!!!! Not anymore! But... in the grand scheme of things I have to remind myself that it isn't really the end of the world.  Life can change in an instant and I am fairly certain that gaining a few pounds isn't nearly as catastrophic as other things that could be happening.  Perspective is key! 

When I got home I took a little snooze... I am definitely trying to fight off some type of upper respiratory thing, but I am taking dexamethasone to suppress my immune system so sleep and vitamins are my best bet right now.  I truly hope that the dexamethasone helps to keep my body from attacking our babies, but I also hope that I don't end up really sick because of the compromised immune system.  It was definitely something that I had to talk my doctor into trying and as long as I can take care of myself I am sure it will be the right move!!! Pretty sure at least!! ;)  It is kind of scary to think of the things I am willing to try in order to make this happen... When I sit back and think about what these meds could be doing to my body it is terrifying.  I had to stop reading the warning labels.  They seriously give me nightmares.  BUT, then I think about the fact that people have been doing this for years and I use my drug interaction website religiously to make sure that I don't mix anything that I shouldn't.  It is really a life saver... literally!! There have been days when it stopped me from making BIG mistakes!!! :) 

Then I helped Mike wax the Buick!  I couldn't believe how wonderful the weather was this afternoon!  It was such a beautiful day!  I was outside in a short sleeve top and capris!!!! Yes, I realize that was probably a little silly... it isn't even spring yet.  But, I need all the Vitamin D I can get.  I haven't been able to take my supplements in a LONG time!!! I NEED the sun!!!!!

Now I am making enchiladas and getting ready for my 7 p.m. injection.

As I was getting ready to write this entry I had Mike guess the number of visits our blog has had. He guessed 2,000.  I laughed because he was SO far off.  We have had over 9,500 visits to our blog.  Over 9,500!!! AMAZING!!! We have so many fabulous people following this journey and that doesn't include the visits from my account.  It also doesn't include Mike because he admited to me that he doesn't know how to get on it! HAHAHA!! He said that when people ask him what I meant by something on the blog he has no idea because he has never read it. :/ Oh my... I guess I need to give him a lesson on how to get to this blog so he knows how I am feeling from time to time!! HAHAH!! Then again, maybe it is actually better if I wait and show him the blog AFTER we are all the way through this process!!! ;)

Thank you again for your support and prayers.  We are getting so much closer to the big day.  We will find out on Wednesday if we are all set for a transfer on Thurs. the 26th.

Enjoy this beautiful weather!!!!! 

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