Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ultrasound Wednesday!

Today we had our Ultrasound.  Last cycle we ended up scheduling another ultrasound when we were at this appointment because I had had some bleeding.  THIS cycle the doctor told the med students that I had a PERFECT example of a triple stripe lining!!! He said that not only is my lining a "Type A", but he gives it an A+!!!! Everyone was so happy for us.  I guess this lining is pretty fabulous!  I hope our little embryos get the memo and decide to settle in for a wonderful 9 month stay!  So, they gave me my meds protocol for the rest of the cycle and we will go to Rockford on Thursday the 26th for our transfer.

Thank you for your continued support!! We will need all of the positive thoughts and prayers that we can get as we approach the transfer.  Something seems to happen after the transfer that just isn't quite right.  We hope that the new protocol will fix that!

Funny thing happened today... there were too many med students... the nurse couldn't come in.  So, the doctor had to attempt to change the probe cover to a latex free cover on his own.  He said that the nurse was really testing him today.  I said, "Nope, she is just showing you how hard she works around here!"  HAHAH!!!

Also, a moment to share about always questioning when you think something doesn't sound right to you.  #1 - The probe cover... I thought it looked like latex, so I asked about it.  They weren't upset.  They changed it right away.  It saved me from lots of itching and discomfort!  Not long ago I would have been afraid to inconvience them.  Now I know that this is my health and I am my best advocate. #2 -  When they gave me my protocol I felt that there was an error.  It said that I would have my transfer on Friday the 27th.  I nicely stated that it was different than I thought it should be.  But, I didn't push too hard because I thought it could have been changed due to our meds arriving late and doing my first injection in the afternoon instead of in the morning.  NO... I was right!! The nurse called me on the way home and said that she was so thankful that I had said something when I didn't think it was the right date.  The spreadsheet had an extra day on it for some reason and it was wrong.  I DO transfer on Thursday the 26th.  She thanked me multiple times for bringing it to their attention.  I share these things because this journey has taught me that we have to be our own advocates and that we are the only people who are truly effected by any mistakes that may come up.  Never be afraid to stand up for yourself or question something that effects you or the outcome you are hoping for!

Have a great day!!

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