Sunday, March 22, 2015

So emotional!!!

I cannot believe how emotional I am this cycle.  So many tears.  It is definitely way worse than the last few cycles and I blame the high amount of estrogen they have me on.  Obviously the meds are doing what they are supposed to do, but I can't watch a show on t.v. without soaking my shirt with tears! Just sitting here typing this has me in tears... why?!?! No clue!! HAHAH!! No idea at all!  I am just THAT emotional right now.  I cried several times yesterday just from posts on Facebook!  Tears of joy, tears because of the compassion of others, tears that I couldn't explain!  It truly is bizarre!!!

I had my last leuprolide injection this morning and I start my first progesterone injection tomorrow night.  We realized that I am starting the projesterone earlier this cycle than I have in previous cycles.  I am not sure why that is happening, but hopefully it will be a change that helps us get a different result than we have had previously!

Speaking of progesterone... I think I have figured out a sign of my allergic reactions to the progesterone in oil that occurs before the hives... I have been doing rump injections for a couple weeks now and I have only had 1 bruise.  The bruise looks just like a bruise I would get on my arm or leg.  The "bruises" I got from my previous progesterone shots looked NOTHING like them.  They were deep and ugly.  I think they were actually signs of the allergic reaction.  So, I am going to watch for that and call and ask about it to see if it is possible that it a sign of allergic reaction and therefore a way that we can detect an allergy before it gets so severe!  This whole thing is so crazy.  They have a hard time understanding why my reaction gets so bad AFTER I stop the injections without any signs, so I am constantly trying to figure out a way to detect the allergy earlier!

We will head to Rockford after school on Wednesday and we will implant at about 11:00 Thursday.  They told us that we have to be there at 10:30 and reminded me to have a full bladder.  My response was that the full bladder requirement was worse than all the injections! The nurse said that she hears that alot!!! I am not surprised that other people have the same complaint!  It is such an uncomfortable feeling to go through the procedure with the full bladder, but then the wait afterward is torture!  Luckily, it is only about 30 minutes.  But at the time it is awful and there is nothing I can do to distract myself enough to make it better!  UGH! Can you tell that I am dreading the full bladder part of this process!?!?!?  HAHAH!!

Thursday is Mike's mom's birthday.  Then, if my calculations are correct, we should find out on his sister's birthday if the cycle was successful.  These significant dates should be a good sign, right?!??!?! :)

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!

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