Sunday, March 8, 2015

More meds tomorrow.

Tomorrow I start more medications.  It is always makes me a bit nervous when I start a new part of the protocol because the meds are so time sensitive and I have a fear of forgetting to take something or taking something late.  In the morning I will still do my 7 a.m. injection.  I will add two estrogen pills, a low dose asprin, and dexamethasone.  In the evening I will start an estrogen rump injection, two additional estrogen pills, and I will continue taking bromocryptine.  Plus I have to continue my prescription prenatal vitamin.  I feel like it is a lot of pills, but hopefully the change in protocol will be exactly what we need for this cycle to be successful.  I will have an appointment on the 18th to make sure that my lining is doing what it should.  At some point that week I will add a progesterone rump shot to the list.

This cycle has been different.  I have had a lot of cramping since going off of the pill and only doing the luprolide injection.  I have my period now, which they say is what is supposed to happen.  It didn't happen in previous cycles, so hopefully this is a good sign.  I told Mike that I don't think it is fair that I have to give myself shots and I feel sick from cramps, headache, back pain, etc...!! But, if this cycle works out it will all be worth it! (Ugh, that kinda made me sick to type... I totally believe it, but I feel like I keep saying it OVER and OVER!)  

I have to admit that I am nervous about starting rump injections again.  I am still having a reaction to the oil, so I am not sure how these injections will go.  I am not worried about a reaction because it is estrogen, not progesterone in oil... but, I am worried that it will be extra painful because of the irritated skin. Then, the fact that I start the progesterone in oil shots again soon has me totally freaked out.  They said that each reaction typically gets worse.  I don't even want to imagine a worse reaction than the last one.

As we get closer to the date of our transfer I am getting nervous.  I really wasn't in a good place after the last cycle failed.  I was a real mess both emotionally and physically.  I feel like I am still in denial of this cycle.  I am not at an excited stage/nervous stage for the actual transfer yet.  I am nervous about the protocol, but I feel like it is WAY too early to start thinking about Rockford, yet! So much still has to happen before we get to that point.

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