Thursday, February 26, 2015

The waiting game continues...

Yesterday I waited for the 4 p.m. deadline and without hearing anything from the insurance company or my facility I called the pharmacy and told them that they did not need to continue to attempt to run my prescriptions.  I then called the facility and told them that they would need to cancel my appointments that have been scheduled for the March cycle due to the fact that we were not approved for the March cycle in time.  The woman from the business office asked if I had asked about reimbursement and attempted to offer to pay out of pocket for the medications.  I told her that I had called and Health Alliance did not receive any paperwork to approve me for the cycle.  She then asked me who I had spoken to and when I told her that I talked to a woman named Amanda and that she had her supervisor look into it as well.  The business office woman assured me that it was sent last week and she said that she would make some calls to determine what had happened.  I got off the phone frustrated and confused.  Why hadn't she offered to call and push for this when I called on Tuesday? Was this what I wanted?  Who should I believe, the insurance company or this facility?  Time seemed to pass extremely slowly and then I got a call back from the facility... the paperwork WAS there and the woman from the business office was able to get the cycle approved.  At this point I was very confused.  I asked her why they had told me they didn't have any paperwork when I had called.  She said that the only explanation they had was that the fax at the insurance company was down.  So, that left us with the problem that my deadline to order medications had already passed.  She said that she had already thought of that and that the IVF coordinator was waiting for my call to be transferred over so that we could discuss what we needed to do for medications.  The IVF coordinator told me that she had sent the prior authorization for the meds in a STAT order.  She said that we would have to wait to see if they approved that order today and then we would attempt to start the injections Saturday morning instead of Friday morning.  She said that sometimes there is a small cushion in the cycle which could mean that we would not have any setbacks, but otherwise we would push the implantation date back one day.  She said she would count out the cycle and make that determination if the call came in.  At that point I said, "Okay, so then I just wait for you to call if they call you and say I am approved.  We play it by ear?"  She told me that was the plan and I hung up feeling extremely uneasy... what had just happened?!?!?! How did I go from calling to let them know I was leaving their facility to waiting again to find out if the March cycle was going to happen?!?!  I got off the phone and told Mike what had happened. We decided that we weren't going to put to much hope into this working out.  We were both confused about whether this was the right thing to do.  After talking about it I decided that if this works out and we are able to get into the March cycle we will go ahead and continue to pursue information about the Infertility Clinic in Iowa City.  We will be hopeful that the March cycle is successful, but we will also want to keep our options open for the future.  If we are not able to get into the March cycle we will let them know that we are not interested in scheduling a future cycle and we will just move forward with Iowa City.
Then we spent the evening feeling super craptastic! Mike is now taking an antibiotic after going in for a follow up with a doctor from our Valentine's Day ER adventure.  I am still having major problems from my allergic reaction and it is causing me to have headaches and lots of allergy/sinus stuff along with my painful rump.  :/  So, we both took our meds and felt like garbage.  We were up most of the night because we felt so icky.  Today neither of us have done much of anything... meds, sleep, meds, sleep... I am so thankful that it was a snow day today or I probably would have had to take a sick day.  Hopefully we will feel MUCH better tomorrow!!! And, hopefully we hear from our specialist within the next couple hours so that we can move forward with this cycle!
What a roller coaster!!! The waiting game continues!!

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