Monday, February 23, 2015

The latest

So, in my last update I said that they had set a new protocol and we had a new date set for implantation.  Our implantation was set for March 26th with injections starting this Friday, February 27th.  BUT, our specialist's office made a mistake and didn't have me on the list for the March cycle, which means that they did not send in the proper paperwork to get the approval necessary to move forward with this cycle.  So, we are on the clock again... we have until 4:00 p.m. Wednesday to get approval from Health Alliance, after that it will be too late to get the medications for my injection on Friday morning.  The error was recognized when I called them on Thursday to see why my meds were being denied.  They said that Health Alliance has been taking their full 15 business days to approve procedures.  Obviously that would not be good for this situation.  So, tomorrow I will call my specialist's office and see what they have been able to accomplish to fix their mistake... I will also attempt to contact the people that I spoke to this summer to see if they can help speed up the process. To say that this is frustrating is an extreme understatement.  If the office had apologized for their mistake I think I would have felt a bit better, but instead I was left feeling that I should be thankful that they are trying to get Health Alliance to put a rush on the decision.  Needless to say, I am not super thrilled with the situation!  I am also frustrated with the fact that my rump is still having an allergic reaction and they are unable to help me!

I remember the last time we were in a situation like this and our 4:00 on Wednesday came and went.  I sobbed for hours.  I was destroyed.  I feel like I have come so far since that awful day.  I feel like I have gained so much strength.  But, I also feel like another cancelled cycle due to not getting approved by insurance in time is something that we should be WAY beyond and is something that we should not have to face again.  I am sure that my current feelings of frustration and disbelief will quickly change to anger and grief if we do not get approval in time.  I am trying so hard to figure out what we are supposed to learn from this.  It just seems so unbelievable that time after time things keep happening that set us back.  I recognize that this will happen in God's time.  But, knowing it doesn't make it easy!!

So, now we wait.  And, I try to call them over my lunch break to beg them to approve my case by Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.  This journey has definitely not been easy, but your support and encouragement has helped keep me strong when it doesn't seem possible.  Hopefully I will be sharing good news soon!

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