Sunday, November 9, 2014

The weekend

This weekend has been a little scary.  I was very tired Friday night, so I decided to clean up the house a bit, work on laundry, and rest as much as possible.  I woke up yesterday feeling even more exhausted I either slept or stayed on the couch with my feet up the entire day.  Then late last night I had a very small amount of spotting.  I was concerned, but I read online that it was probably implantation bleeding.  So, I went to sleep and slept right up to the time for me to do my progesterone application this morning (with only a few quick wakeups for restroom and water).  This morning I took it easy and lounged on the couch again.  I napped off and on throughout the day and then early afternoon I started having bleeding again.  This bleeding has not been heavy, but it has been consistent and it has been scary because I don't know what is causing it.  I feel like it is too much for implantation bleeding, but I don't know that for certain.  I read that the progesterone should stop me from having a period, so I really don't know what this is.  I just know that I am having a lot of cramping very low in my abdomen.

Wednesday can not come soon enough.  I just want answers and to know that the babies are growing and healthy! Or to know that this was not meant to be.  I just want to know.

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