Thursday, November 13, 2014


I continue to stand by the fact that if there is a possibitlity for strange things to occur they will happen to me.  Today I got a call from my doctor's office asking if I called the insurance company regarding the progesterone issues.  I did not call because the nurse told me yesterday that they were going to write a medical necessity letter and I figured there was no point in contacting them until that was written.  Someone DID contact them though and confronted them about not covering the medication that I needed.  We have no idea who it was, but the insurance company called my doctor's office and told them that they DID cover the cottonseed oil/progesterone compound, but the pharmacy was not sending the right code which caused the repeated denials.  They said that they contacted the pharmacy twice with the information and they continued to process it incorrectly.  They also said that the pharmacy did process the cottonseed oil/progesterone correctly once on Oct. 7th, but then they reversed it.  I am SOOO confused.  Why are we just learning about all of this chaos that was occuring and why was the pharmacy telling me that they would not cover the compound because it was not commerically available? Nothing can change the outcome of what we have already faced.  Determining who is to blame will not turn us back to a time before we lost our embryos of this cycle. I hope this situation will help others who might someday find themselves in a similar situation to fight for what their gut is telling them.  I never wanted to use the gel.  My gut told me it just wasn't worth the risk, but as we got closer to our cycle I gave in because I wanted to make sure that we had everything taken care of in time.

The bright side of all of this is that the insurance company WILL cover the compound we need.  The frustrating thing is that we might still have problems getting the claim processed through the pharmacy.  I would start calling now to make sure that everything is taken care of, but there is a chance that the medication would expire before I need it if I order it now.  So, I will put it on my calendar to call them in a couple weeks and I will continue to fight the good fight until we get exactly what we need for the next cycle.

Thank you for continuing to support us through your thoughts, prayers, and kind gestures!  We really appreciate it!  And, to the person who went to bat for us with the insurance company, thank you for that! It was unexpected, but obviously very effective! :) I am still in shock about it actually!

P.S.  I think the worst of the physical pain is behind me.  My back pain has decreased drastically.  I haven't really had cramping at all today.  The bleeding has calmed significantly. I am exhausted, but I have a feeling that I will be for a while.  I read on several websites that it will be a month or two before I will physically recover from the process of a failed IVF cycle (although there have been reports of recoveries lasting over 6 months... yuck!).  I am still hopeful that acupuncture will help me to feel better in a shorter amount of time by balancing my hormones... though I have so many meetings scheduled for next week that I won't get to have an appointment for at least another week.  :/

Have a great evening!

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