Monday, September 8, 2014


So, I thought that I was done posting for a while, but then another CRAZY thing happened... First of all, I had a major panic attack yesterday due to all of my feelings and emotions regarding this infertility journey AND all of the stress of a new school year combined.  Mike was amazing and helped to get me calm and to stop the hyperventilation.  I feel like I am doing EVERYTHING I possibly can and things aren't working out.  I feel like it is very easy for people to judge me and to make comments that are hurtful, because they are on the outside looking in and they truly have NO idea what this is like and how much I try on a daily basis to remain positive and trust that this will all work out in God's perfect timing.  Then, after recovering from the panic attack, I went to school and worked until 12:30 this morning.  When I got home I told Mike that the injection areas on my rump were itching, which is weird because I haven't had a shot since last Wednesday.  By this morning the itching was painful and intense, but everything still looked normal.  Then right before school started I noticed the HIVES!! Yep, hives!  I asked the school nurse about it and she gave me some Benedryl cream.  It didn't help, so I called my doctor's office to see what was going on.  They said that they don't see this often, but they have seen it before.  I am having an allergic reaction to the sesame oil that the progesterone is mixed with.  We figured out that my prescription allergy medication may have been masking the reaction and because I have not taken it in two days the hives came out.  So now I am in pain from the reaction and I itch like crazy!  The nurse said that the hives are from the oil trying to "escape my body"!! YIKES!! That sounds frightening!! The only thing I could think while I was talking to her was, "Of course this would happen to me!  Why wouldn't it happen to me? Most unusual things do!!".

Well, I can't say that I live a dull and boring life.  Something is always keeping me on my toes!!
The nurse said they will order a different type of progesterone shot for me for the next cycle.  We are now signed up for the October/November cycle.  I was excited to hear that they have already discusses a new protocol for me and that they are already going to place the order for the medication. I am not as excited to PAY for the medication! ;)  But, we will do what we have to do!!! :)  I start back on the BCP on Wednesday.  So, that is step one toward success in October/November!  Hopefully the new protocol will be just what we need!

Thanks for following my crazy journey!