Friday, January 9, 2015


I would have to be crazy to think that we could make it through a cycle without a hitch... the beginning of this cycle started with me feeling really sick and having a rough time, so I thought that maybe that would be the rough patch, but unfortunately it wasn't.  Last Friday I started spotting and after it continued through the weekend I called my specialist's office on Monday.  When they called back I was shocked to hear that it was normal and that my body was responding the way that it should!! WOOHOO!!! How exciting!!  The spotting continued and I didn't get alarmed until today when I felt terrible after my morning injection.  I was dizzy and the injection itself was pretty painful.  I had a hard time getting my estrogen patches changed because I was so dizzy that I had to recline on the couch between each of the 4 patches.  I decided to try to go back to bed to see how I felt when I woke up.  After my snooze I was still feeling exhausted, but no longer dizzy.  Then, instead of spotting, the bleeding intensified.  I called the specialist again to see what was going on.  They said that I need to start taking oral estrogen along with the estrogen patches to see if that will help the situation.  They told me to definitely start taking the medication tonight and we will see what is going on with my lining on Monday at my appointment. Hopefully the addition of this medication twice daily will help to get my lining to the point it needs to be at.  I really don't understand why my body doesn't like to absorb gels or things from patches, but this is getting a bit ridiculous.  I can't imagine that this cycle will remain on schedule after the way my body has responded, but I hope that the new medication sends us in the right direction.  I am so glad that I trusted my instincts and determined that this was not normal.  Before Mike left for work I was talking to him about the fact that I hate calling and bothering the doctor's office, but I also feel like every time I call it turns out to be something that is legitimately wrong.  The lady at the office was very nice and told me that I shouldn't ever hesitate to call... I just wish that things would start going right at some point so that I didn't have to!
Tomorrow is my sister's Iowa baby shower.  Hopefully these new meds kick in and help me to feel a lot better so that I am up for the long drive.  There is no way that I would have been able to make the trip if it was today.  I am so thankful that this has been a week of "snow days" so that I could feel icky at home instead of at school!  It really stinks to feel SO crappy and have nothing to show for it except for a HUGE list of scary risks and side effects that all of these medications have on their pamphlets.  I keep telling myself that someday I will understand the timing of all of this.  And someday I will understand why we had to jump through all of these hoops.  But, right now, this journey is just really frustrating!! So, now I will go back to binge watching Revenge and making adorable things for my niece - Baby K!!
Have a great weekend! I will update after Monday's appointment.  Prayers that my lining will miraculously be beautiful and ready for embryos on the 20th!! As always, thank you for your support!

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