Tuesday, January 13, 2015

1/12/15 appointment

Well, the wait continues.  We have an appointment set for Friday to determine if we will be able to implant on Tuesday.  We went to the appointment yesterday and the doctor initially said that my lining looked beautiful.  I was SHOCKED!!! I said, "Really?!?!?!  Even after all of the bleeding and clotting that I had?" At that point he looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about and I realized that yet again he didn't realize who I was.  So, I told him that I had been bleeding heavily and that he had prescribed oral estrogen to be added to my protocol.  He said, "Oh, you're that person."  YEP!!! That's me!  (That is exactly what I said actually!) I am THAT person.  UGH!!!!! Is it too much to ask for the man to look at my chart before coming in and doing the internal sonogram?!?!? Seriously?!?!?  I realize that this is not HIS journey, but this has been over 5 years of my life and I wish that he was the tiniest bit invested in it... too much to ask?!?!? I don't think so, but maybe it is... So, at that point he said that though my lining looks beautiful he does not know if it is growing or thinning, so I have to go back on Friday to "assure that the bleeding is behind us".  At that point they will let me know if we are good to go.  Hopefully things will work out so that we can move forward.  Not only am I anxious to keep this process moving, we had to order our progesterone and it only has a 30 day stability.  So, if the cycle is cancelled our meds will expire before we are able to try again.  AND, once again we were denied insurance coverage for the progesterone.  GRRR!!! I was in a meeting when they called to let us know that it was denied, so by the time I found out what was going on it was too late to call the insurance company and we had to make a decision.  We decided to pay out of pocket so that we are prepared in the event that we get to move forward.  I hope to be able to get ahold of someone there and find out 1.  why they didn't cover it... and 2.  why they told a representative from my school that it would be covered after I posted about the previous denial in a blog post and why they said that the previous denial was a mistake due to a coding error by the pharmacy... I cannot believe the nightmare that this has continued to be!  It really shouldn't be this hard... the process is hard enough without all of this additional crap!!!  In the grand scheme of things the cost of this medication is minimal compared to what we have shelled out since June, but it is just the principle of the whole thing that frustrates me to no end.  I feel like I have had the run around since June 1 and it gets old.  (I told myself that I was going to try to be more patient with them in the new year... that didn't last long!!!)

So, the next step is to keep up with the new protocol and to pray that the lining continues to grow beautifully.  (I saw the ultrasound and it really did look awesome... so hopefully it was growing and not shedding!  It looks like a cozy home for the babes that are frozen up in Rockford!!)  Thankfully I know that my school kiddos are in excellent hands and that my plans will be well executed by wonderful people when I am gone!  It is so reassuring to know that we have amazing substitutes to cover when we have to be gone! :)

Thank you for your continued support!! Prayers and good thoughts for a successful appointment on Friday would be much appreciated!!