Sunday, January 18, 2015

Friday's appointment

Friday's appointment went very well.  We are cleared to go to Rockford for Tuesday's embryo transfer as long as I don't have any additional bleeding!  We had Dr. S. instead of Dr. G on Friday, which I thought was good because Dr. S. will be doing Tuesday's procedure.  The strange thing is that like Dr. G., Dr. S. cannot explain the bleeding.  He asked several times if I was sure about the bleeding... not in a condescending way, but in an "I have no explanation" type of way.  He said that my lining looks beautful and that it shouldn't after what I described.  He said that he has never seen anything like this before and he said that he doesn't want me to believe that it was my lining.  He said it had to be some other type of bleeding.  Mike's response, "Maybe someday they will determine what species you are!" I can't even count the number of times that they have told me that things that happened to me have "never been seen before".  I think I would be more shocked if they told me that something was completely normal! ;)  

So, we will leave tomorrow for Rockford, making a stop in DeKalb to visit the Schroeders! Then we will stay at the hotel and head over to Reproductive Health at 10:30 for an 11:00 a.m. transfer.  Our hope is to transfer 2 embryos on Tuesday.  We have a plan to start by thawing vial #1 first, which contains a B embryo and a C embryo.  If both of them survive the thaw they will implant them.  If only one makes it they will thaw the single B embryo in vial #3 and hope that it survives the thaw so that we have 2 embryos to implant.  If neither embryo from vial #1 survives we will thaw vial #2 which contains a B embryo and a C embryo.  My other option was to thaw all 5 embryos and let them culture to blastocysts and implant the strongest embryos.  I elected not to do that because I have been told that it is possible that the embryos have a better shot of surviving in their natural environment (my uterus) than they do culturing.  

After the transfer I will have bedrest until Thursday morning.  Then I will have restricts which will prevent me from lifting, exercising, sudden movements, etc.  It is so interesting to me how different the beginning of an IVF pregnancy is than the beginning of a natural pregnancy, but I believe that it is due to the fact that the pregnancy is being supported by injested hormones instead of natural hormones.  Hopefully we will find out early to mid February whether we have a new little Valentine/Valentines to celebrate!! :)  

Thank you for your continued support!  I appreciate everyone who has checked in with me to see how Friday went and everyone who has continued to pray for us and has kept us in their thoughts regularly!! Now I am off to visit Mike's cousin so she can give me my progesterone injection!  :)  I appreciate her help SO much when Mike is working! :)  

Have a great night! 

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