Friday, December 26, 2014

The day after Christmas

It's the day after Christmas and it was a pretty lazy day at the McVey house!  Now Mike is at work and I am thinking of all the things I "should" do.  I am sure I will find some ambition before 11 p.m.when Mike gets home!  If not, there is always the weekend, right?!?!? ;)  We stopped for a visit with the McVey's before going to visit my family for Christmas Eve lasagna.  Then we returned to Monmouth for 10:30 p.m. mass. Christmas Day we went back to my families house to celebrate again and Mike's family celebrated up in Naperville.  Mike wasn't feeling the greatest so we came home and both of us napped the rest of the day away!  I slept 3 hours!!!! I guess I was pretty exhausted!!!

Today was the 3rd day of injections for this round and it was pretty uneventful.  Yesterday's injection was painful. :( I also noticed that I had a reaction to the latex-free bandaid that I used on Christmas Eve.  BOO!!! Seriously, this allergy business has to stop!!! So, today I bought some paper tape and hopefully that will be the answer to these issues.  I will ask the doctor when we go on Monday.

Tomorrow night is my last day of the birth contol pill for this round.  I guess the leuprolide will be completely in charge of suppressing my hormones at that point.  I can definitely feel the leuprolide doing something and I have been pretty achy the last couple days.  It said to expect hot flashes (which makes sense because it temporarily puts me in a state of menopause), but I am actually FREEZING COLD most of the time.  I guess it is not likely that anyone will be suprised by the fact that my body is reacting differently to meds than expected!!! ;)

I have been trying to think of things that I want to ask the doctor about on Monday.  I know that they are going to give me instructions for the estrogen patches.  I also know that I want to ask them about the thawing process and how things will work when we go to Rockford in January.  I know that I need to control my anxiety in order to be best prepared for this cycle, so I feel that getting all of my questions taken care of will be the best next step.

It seems like a million years away right now, but I know that implantation day will be here before we know it!  I will keep you posted as we find out more information and learn more about what to expect.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!!

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