Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28th

This has been my laziest few days in a LONG time.  To be honest I have felt terrible the last couple days and I have been sleeping a LOT!!!  The night before last I started back on the Bromocryptine.  (Bromocryptine is the medication I take for escalated prolactin levels due to some kind of issue with my pituitary gland.  It is a medication that can have extreme side effects.  It hasn't bothered me during previous cycles, other than making me very tired, but this time it is making me very sick!) After taking the medication I have been so nautious that it has been very hard to get to sleep.  Then, when I finally fall asleep it seems that the alarm goes off instantly for my shot.  Then I am super dizzy, super sick, and dry heaving. :(  It is like having the stomach flu for a few hours each morning.  :(  Then I do my injection and go back to sleep for a few more hours and I wake up fine.  I don't know what I will do if this continues when it is time to go back to school.  I have seriously been going back to sleep until noon or one o'clock each day.  And if I get up before that I am super sick again.  :/  I go in for my baseline ultrasound tomorrow, so hopefully they will have suggestions for me.  I think I will try to get to bed a little earlier tonight and see if that is helpful since I will need to leave my house at about 9 tomorrow and therefore I will not be able to sleep until after noon!! ;)  Last night was my last birth control pill for this cycle.  I took the pill at 8:20, so I had to wait until at least 12:20 to take the Bromocryptine due to a 4 hour time period that was necessary between the two medications.  Hopefully tomorrow will be much better!!

Mike has some work obligations tomorrow, so my mom will be going with me to this appointment (I could go by myself, but this will work out perfectly because I had to cancel the after Christmas shopping trip we had scheduled for Saturday due to being SO sick!!).  It should be very routine and hopefully they will say that I don't have any cysts and that my lining looks good to start the estrogen patches next Saturday.  I am guessing that we will determine my next appointments and I will have a little tutorial regarding the next steps in this process.

I have noticed that my emotions are a little extreme today.  I think the meds are catching up to me a little bit.  The couple that has shared their 8 year journey of infertility and of the two embryos they implanted splitting into two sets of identical twins announced this morning that they would be having their babies within the next 48 hours.  They are just over 29 weeks along.  I started crying because I am so happy for them and how far they have come on this journey!  Then, when they made the announcement that they were actually delivering the babies I started crying again.  I can't imagine how they are feeling right now!  What an amazing and overwhelming time in their lives!  I just can't even imagine!!!

One thing that I have noticed as my hormones are being taken away versus when they were being put to crazy levels is that the foods I absolutely NEEDED during the previous cycles are DISGUSTING to me right now!! HAHA!! The soups that I loved taste extremely bland to me.  Other things that I loved... YUCK!!!! This is totally crazy to me.  I don't really understand how hormones have an affect on how food tastes, but it is totally true!!!!

Well, hopefully tomorrow's appointment will be uneventful and informative.  AND, hopefully there will not be any sickness tomorrow morning!!! :)

Thank you for your continued support of this journey.  It has been a long road and your prayers and kind words have been amazing!  It is hard to believe that this journey started in 2009 and we are about to enter 2015.  It seems like forever, yet I have to trust that God's timing will be perfect and that we will be blessed beyond belief when the timing is right! :)
Have a great night!

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