Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The latest

Well, there is not a ton to update on at this point. I want to make sure to fill in the gaps so that when I read this blog later in life, or even just a couple months from now, I am able to recall what was going on.  Sometimes, if  I reread blog posts I will look at it and think, "Why didn't I write that" or "Waid, I totally forgot to update about that".  I think it is because I often forget that I didn't already post things!

My period finally stopped after 23 days.  June 16th was the last day, so June 17th was pretty exciting!!  I followed the protocol that the doctor's office gave me, taking the birth control pill again on June 18th.

Something that I forgot to write about in May is that I actually did email my old facility.  It is SO weird because I REALLY thought that I wrote a blog post about it, but I can't find one.  The day after I made the post stating that I was thinking about emailing SHER I stumbled upon the infertility story of the AMAZING IVF coordinator from SHER... YEP, you read that right... it turns out that when they tried to have a family they struggled and they ended up being an IVF success story.  Their story is absolutely amazing!!! It can be found on SHER's website under "The Neils' Story".  I am so happly for them.  I can only assume that they are either VERY close to having a new baby now or they have already had her!!  I emailed right away and congratulated her.  I also emailed the financial lady there and she sent back that she did remember me, but that she was leaving for another facility.  SO, it will be a new doctor there, the IVF coordinator there will likely be on maternity leave, and the financial consultant lady will be new.  Sounds like we would be starting from scratch if we end up there.

Unfortunately I have already started bleeding again.  Monday morning I woke up and was so upset to discover that my body has gone CRAZY again.  I haven't even called the doctor yet because I know that there is nothing that they can do.  It is light bleeding, not heavy.  We have already done a PAP test, so if there are bad cells causing this we should get a phone call within a week or two telling us that.  I am guessing that it is just my body going crazy again.

I have determined that I am not joining my family on their Florida trip.  Who wants to go to the beach when they have no idea what their body will be doing.  I have cramps all the time and it would be miserable to be at the beach with cramps and yuck!!!

I think that I am actually going to call the doctor and ask if I should just go off of the pill after tonight's dose (it has been 14 days like it was last time they had me do a reset) and just let myself have a period.  Or if it would be best just to wait and stop it after next Wednesday's final dose and then just not refill my prescription.  I am guessing that they will say to wait until next Wednesday.  Which is fine.  I just want to stop putting hormones into my system that are not working for my body.

I started taking Plexus yesterday after about 2 months of reading information and considering it.  I decided that it would be helpful for my insulin resistance, if nothing else.  But, I have read a lot of stories of people who have been helped with their various infertility cases by using these products.  Even if it just helped me to "feel better" and detox after all of the crazy meds they have had me on I would be THRILLED.  I feel like we have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to get pregnant, so I might as well try this, too!!!

I am going to make another post after this about June.  It will explain a little more about the way I have been feeling, but I hope this post filled in some of the gaps.  At some point I will probably read through the blog and see if there are things that I left out that I want to remember!  Probably not today though! ;)

I hope everyone has a great day!

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