Monday, July 13, 2015

34th Birthday!!!

Today is my 34th Birthday and MUCH to my surprise everything is okay!! I woke up this morning and shockingly nothing changed overnight!!! I know this sounds silly, but all of the infertility studies discuss statistics by age and therefore birthdays are dreaded instead of celebrated.  Sometimes I just need to take a step back and recognize all of the amazing things I have to celebrate! Today I enjoyed chatting with friends and family, eating yummy foods, working on hobbies, and generally I felt fabulous...  no side effects of icky sicky feelings! WOOHOO!!!  I even started a new hobby by buying a guitar!  It was a very good day!!! :)

Last week the school board approved changing insurance back to Blue Cross Blue Shield.  I am hopeful that this is going to open up a lot of possibilities for us.  I planned to call offices today to inquire about protocols that are offered, but instead I gave myself permission to just have a day to not stress about this journey.  And I didn't!!! Even now, as I write this entry I am not stressing about it or trying to determine what we should do.  I am just updating and leaving the stress until tomorrow!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!! I am extremely excited about this week!  I have plans to do something fun every day this week.  Then on Friday I am thrilled to have the opportunity to go dress shopping with one of my best friends!  I am going to be the Matron of Honor in her wedding next summer and it is going to be so much fun to shop for dresses!!! Then we are going to spend the weekend in Wisconsin... YEP, you read that right!!! Mike and I are going to leave Monmouth!!!! WOOHOO!!!! I can't even tell you how excited I am!!!!!!!!! Gazillion exclamation marks type of excited!!! There are several things that I will have to say no to this weekend, but honestly we NEED this!!! We need to get away and have a fun weekend! And, since Mike is the one who asked about it I am going to strike while the iron is hot and drop everything to go!!!! :) We are going to get to spend time with great friends while we are there and I am thrilled!!! :)

I have read studies online that said that 34 is the best year of a person's life.  Though that is sad for people who have passed 34 it would be pretty exciting for me if that is true because it would mean that I have an amazing year ahead of me!!! :)

Thank you to all of you for supporting us on this journey!! Thank you for sticking with me throughout this funk.  Hopefully my spirit is on the mend.  I won a book from one of my favorite infertility blogs and I am very hopeful that it will rejuvinate me.  I was also leant several other books that were helpful to others going through a rough time.  The truth is that this is life.  We go through ups and downs, highs and lows, and we have to lean on our people to help us through.  I think that I tried to be positive for SOOO long that I just had a long way to fall when I hit my true funk!  As we search for our new facility I must dig deep and be hopeful!  I know I can do it, especially with such an amazing support system lifting me up!!!

Thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers, hugs, and smiles!! They are appreciated more than you could ever know!! :)

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