Monday, August 3, 2015

Next Step...

Tomorrow marks the next step in our journey... we are headed to Oak Brook.  Tomorrow we will have a consultation with the Endometriosis Institute.  I have waited to post about it because we did not get the new patient information from the as quickly as I had expected.  But, now we have it finished, printed, and ready to go.  So, tomorrow we will get up bright and early and make the trek to Oak Brook.

We will have a lot to consider after meeting with this facility.  We can't say with 100% certainty that we will move forward with this facility.  We know that we have many options now that we have changed our insurance back to Blue Cross Blue Shield and we want to make sure that we are comfortable with the protocols that they are proposing.

I will keep you all posted as we move forward.  We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we meet with the new facility at noon tomorrow!

Have a wonderful evening!


  1. I love you Julie McVey!!! Keep the faith my steong friend and know that you are loved and prayed for always. 😘
