Monday, April 6, 2015

Unfortunately it did not work.

Late this morning we got a call that our cycle was not successful.  The fact that we lost two more embryos is hard, but the idea that we do not know what has caused these cycles to fail is even more upsetting.  I do not do well with situations that are beyond my control, and this situation is definitely beyond my control.  I did everything and avoided everything that the post transfer list told me to.  My lining was "perfect" and the embryos thawed well, yet once again we were unsuccessful.  At this point we do not have a plan for what to do next, which is extremely difficult for me.  I handle situations best when I have a plan that I can start working toward.  As of now I am just trying to be proactive because we know the chances are high that I will have another allergic reaction to the oil.  I already have had a little redness, but they didn't think it was enough to stop using it. I have started benedryl and I hope that it is somewhat helpful.

At this point we think it will be best if we consult with other doctors and ask them if they have an approach that would be different.  We do not feel that we can continue to try this same approach over and over.  It is insane to think that continuing the same thing will give us different results.  It is frustrating because we know that we will most likely have to submit a lot of paperwork in order to get consultations with other facilities.  I know that our previous facility that we used while insured by Blue Cross/Blue Shield has a different protocol, but they are not covered by health alliance.  Hopefully we will find a place that is covered that will not only use a different protocol, but will also allow us to freeze all unused embryos.  Freezing all of our unused embryos is very important to us and some facilities do not allow that.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  I know that we have many people who are invested in this journey right along side us.  We appreciate all of your support as we continue to determine the steps to take next.


  1. I love you and your sweet family very much!

  2. Thank you, Kami. I love you and your amazing family, too!
