Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Mini update

I decided to make a "Mini Update" and a "Full Story".  This is the mini version!  If you would like to check out the "Full Story" you can check it out under "IVF Update!" posted tonight.

This cycle has been quite a journey!  It has been totally different than any of our other cycles, yet so much of it was exactly the same... not sure if that makes sense or not, but it is true.

During this cycle I have realized that the pain of infertility never gets easier.  It is exhausting.  It truly is.  I think that the reason I waited to post about this cycle is because I have felt so numb.  It is scary to be hopeful.  It is scary to let yourself believe that this could actually work this time.

We started medication on January 6th.  Things moved very quickly, yet slow as molasses at the same time!  We had retrieval on Jan. 25th and they were able to retrieve 6 eggs.  We found out on the 26th that 4 of the eggs were mature and that all 4 of them fertilized.  They set up a Jan. 30th transfer and we received a report that we had an Excellent Embryo, a Good Embryo, and two embryos that they thought were "arresting".  The Dr. was hopeful that the "good" embryo would be able to be frozen.

The transfer on Saturday the 30th went very well.  We are very hopeful that this time will be different!

I have said lots of prayers for our embryo that was transferred.  I also said a lot of prayers for the 3 that were still culturing.  Unfortunately we found out on Monday morning that none of the culturing embryos survived to freeze them for future use.

We are currently in the two week wait. We are hopeful that we will have good news around Valentine's Day!

Thank you for your continued support!  We appreciate your thoughts and prayers!

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