Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Iowa City

Today an "Unknown" caller came across my phone and I wondered whether I should answer.  Since it was my planning period I decided that I might as well take the chance... thank goodness!!! It turns out that the call was from the University of Iowa IVF Institute!! I am so excited!! We have an appointment set up for October 22nd.  I know that that seems far away, but at this point we are used to waiting!!

Some new things are going on in our lives:

1.  We have decided to change our diets.  This is mostly changing Mike's diet/eating habits, but it is a change for me in the fact that we are doing more planning instead of blind purchasing when it comes to food!  We are only on day 3 of this, but so far, so good!!

2.  We are walking every day!  When we get home from work we are walking for at least 30 minutes. I am also getting up in the morning and walking and running.  This is a change for both of us.  I used to walk a lot, and when we lived in Macomb we rode our bikes 8 - 10 miles a night.  But, we have only used our bikes a few times since we moved over 4 years ago.  And I haven't walked nearly as much since we started IVF treatments a year ago.  We completed day 4 of this today and we hope to continue!!

3.  I bought a Fitbit Charge HR.  Many of you probably know that I am an extremely competitive person.  SOOO... this has been great!  I HAVE to reach the daily goals or it would make me crazy.  SO, it forces me to keep moving all the time.  And it is good because it gives Mike and I a report about our nightly walks! It is also charting my sleep and I see that once I get passed the initial hour of restlessness and awake time (yes... it shows that I am a mess for at least an hour when I go to bed) I am actually sleeping really well!! Except for the day that I woke up a gazillion times during the first hour and then again 3 hours later. :/

4.  The school routine is going well.  I am feeling good about staying in the same position and room as last year.  I feel like things are going very well!! :)

5.  I have read a lot about people with adenomyosis and I am getting excited about the changes that might occur once they start me on the lupron (If that is what Iowa City decides to do!)!!! I hate that my uterus is so large that it gives me the "pregnant look", but there is absolutely nothing I can do to change it without medical intervention.  I just keep replaying the doctors reaction to my "huge" uterus! Now that I am a month out from that visit I can laugh about it and recognize how funny it is that my body has once again shocked a doctor! ;)
I have to admit that I am very anxious to get started with treatment, I am looking forward to hearing the opinions of the team at University of Iowa, and I am hopeful that they will be ready to hit the ground running!  Honestly though, October 22nd will be here before we know it!!

6. We are still LOVING the new couch and coffee table!!! It was totally worth the wait!!! :)

7.  My little sister turned 30, which she didn't mind at all because she LOVES her birthday... but it made me feel super old!! HAHAHH!

8.  I made meatload tonight that was loosely based off of a recipe that I found on pintrest... Mike said it was the best meatloaf imaginable!  He said he would have paid $20 for it at a restuarant!  He said a million different fabulous things about it!  The funny thing is that I prefer my old recipe to this one, but it made him so happy that this will be the new recipe from here on out!! :)  Maybe I will try some other new recipes sometime soon!

Thanks for reading my ramblings!  This is what life is like at the Team McVey Headquarters! ;) We are trying to change into "adults" through eating better and living better! Hopefully this is not just a phase! ;)

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers as we wait to find out what they would like to do with our case in Iowa City!  Prayers that God will guide the IVF team and that he will lead them to the protocol that will answer our prayers! Prayers that I will keep faith in God's timing!  Mike is SOO good at keeping this in mind.  I am the one who struggles with this.  I hate to admit it, but I can be quite impatient!! I am currently doing pretty well... most of the time.  I worried that my morning walks/runs would be a time that I just focused on this, but it honestly hasn't been at all!

Have a wonderful week!  I am going to go to bed so that I can get my hour of restlessness out of the way! ;)

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