Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Called the doctor...

I called the doctor yesterday to ask them if it was normal to have such a long cycle. They said that it wasn't normal and they told me that I needed to go for bloodwork to check my hormone levels. I went after school to the hospital in Monmouth. The doctor's office called with the results just after lunch today.  They said that I did not ovulate and they prescribed progesterone to me that I have to take for 10 days. They said that it should force me to have a period.  I am tired, cranky, tired of being tired,and cranky!!!! ;) I truly don't understand why all of this has been SO difficult. I am absolutely missing whatever it is that I am supposed to learn from this and I am struggling to find the silver lining. :/ To say that I am feeling defeated would be an understatment!!! ;)

I have realized recently that there are people who think that I am trying to seek attention through my infertility issues. Not only is that hurtful, but it is idiotic.  Their is nothing glamorous about admitting that you are experiencing infertility or about the treatments for the infertility.  There is no part of this that makes me feel special. I would LOVE for this to have never come to the point where I had to share what was happening. Unfortunately that isn't how life worked out.  In 3 months we will have been trying for 6 years to have a family.  I was very happy to keep this all a secret until situations occurred that I needed to open up about it.  Unfortunately things came up that made it very difficult to stay quiet.  There are people in this world who truly need to watch out because the bad fairies will get them someday for their nasty words, attitudes, and ways.  Empathy and compassion can take a person a long way in this world...

On a lighter note, the kiddos seem to love my "black and purple" hair... Well, most of them!! Some of them are really shocked and disturbed that I would do something like this!! Hahahah!!! I have decided that it was a fun change and I am glad I did it!! :)

Thank you to those of you who have been such a wonderful support system!! Your kindness is greatly appreciated!!

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